诚实英文谚语导读:arletta 1、诚实重于珠宝。 Honesty is more important than jewelry. 2、诚信比一切智谋更好。emma mae Honesty is better than all wisdom. 3、诚信,是一个人立足社会的先导。 Integrity is the forer
关于诚实的英文谚语导读:本文是关于关于诚实的英文谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、言必诚信,行必忠正。白令海峡 Words must be honest and deeds must be faithful. 2、只有种下诚信的苗,才能结出诚信的果。 Only by planting the edling of honesty can
老姜的功效和作用>祝福张学友歌词信任英文谚语导读: 1、诚信为人之本。 Honesty is the foundation of human beings. 2、信任别人的善良是自己善良的明证。 Trust in the goodness of others is a proof of your goodness. 3、如果要别人诚信,
诚实英文谚语导读: 1、诚实重于珠宝。 Honesty is more important than jewelry. 2、诚信比一切智谋更好。 Honesty is better than all wisdom. 3、诚信,是一个人立足社会的先导。 Integrity is the forerunner of a pers