Units and AbbreviationsUnitsB Billionbarg 1 bar (gauge) = 14.5 psibbl Barrel (6.2898 barrels = 1 m 3)bpd Barrels per dayBq/kg Bequerels per kilogram (measure of radioactivity)Bstb Billion
IUFO的MSELECT函数详解干海参怎么保存IUFO函数说明帐务取数函数是指从总帐取数,指标函数是指从报表指标中取数,一般来说指标函数比帐务取数函数速度要快,所以一般只需在一个报表中用帐务取数函数从总帐中取数,其他报表需要调用该数据时通过指标函数从报表系统内部取数。指标取数函数说明:年初数 函数1: MSELECT(‘A年初数’,,,K(‘月’)=1 AND K(‘真实与虚幻年’)
IUFO的MSELECT函数详解IUFO函数说明帐务取数函数是指从总帐取数,指标函数是指从报表指标中取数,一般来说指标函数比帐务取数函数速度要快,所以一般只需在一个报表中用帐务取数函数从总帐中取数,其他报表需要调用该数据时通过指标函数从报表系统内部取数。指标取数函数说明:年初数 函数1: MSELECT(‘A年初数’,,,K(‘月’)=1 AND K(‘年奔波的意思’)=zyear(
He Never Misd a GameBob Richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practi
取数逻辑 英语 Taking numbers in English As we know, numbers are an esntial part of our life. In our daily routine, we come across numerical values, whether it's counting money, m
取数逻辑 英语 Taking numbers in English As we know, numbers are an esntial part of our life. In our daily routine, we come across numerical values, whether it's counting money, m