教育部雅思考试中心高二英语单词史上最全的纺织面料印染专用英语颜色方面:奶白:Lvory/Cream大红:Red紫红:Bordeaux/Wine紫色:Burgandy/Plum/Violet/Purple绿色:Green灰色:Grey黄色:Yellow专科升本科有几种途径卡其:Kahki淡紫色:Lilac古铜色:Brown梅红:Fuschia橄榄绿:Olive藏青:Navy blue天蓝:Sky b
一、爱不释手 基本解释爱不释手[ài bú shì shǒu]词典like [love] sth. so much that one cannot bear to part with it词典爱不释手be fond of and unwilling to part with词典be so delighted with it that one could hardly bear to put it
一、爱不释手 序数词口诀基本解释爱不释手[ài bú shì shǒu]词典like [love] sth. so much that one cannot bear to part with it词典爱不释手be fond of and unwilling to part with词典be so delighted with it that one could hardly bear to pu
一、爱不释手 基本解释爱不释手[ài bú shì shǒu]词典like [love] sth. so much that one cannot bear to part with it词典爱不释手如何做好班主任工作be fond of and unwilling to part with词典be so delighted with it that one could hardly bear t