站住Hold.干嘛What?解释你为什么打喷嚏Explain your sneeze.什么图吧网I'm sorry?-你有过敏症吗 -没有- Do you have allergies? - No.你在沙拉上放太多胡椒粉了吗Is there too much pepper on your salad?我没在沙拉上加胡椒粉I don't put pepper on salad
站住Hold.干嘛What?解释你为什么打喷嚏Explain your sneeze.什么I'm sorry?-你有过敏症吗 -没有- Do you have allergies? - No.你在沙拉上放太多胡椒粉了吗Is there too much pepper on your salad?我没在沙拉上加胡椒粉I don't put pepper on salads.够
长水校尉妈妈我想对你说英语作文妈妈我想对你说英语作文预测报告卫生棉条怎么使用新高考一卷数学Mom, a how warm words, and I have ignored the meaning of it. My mother was I to rai me, how much difficulty, and I sometimes but to mother pushed around!