Technically, any substance{other than food} {that alters our bodily or mental functioning} is a drug. 4引导副词 ,主谓……. 从专业角度说,…….technique 技术、方法substance物质substantial(数量/程度上)巨大的:substa
医用超声耦合剂英文IntroductionUltrasound coupling agents are ud extensively in medical imaging. Coupling agents are substances that enhance the transmission of ultrasound waves through the skin to increa t
Technically, any substance{other than food} {that alters our bodily or mental functioning} is a drug. 4引导副词 全球魔武时代,主谓……. 从专业角度说,…….technique 技术、方法substance物质substantial(数量/程度上)巨大的:
lacewoodI C S11.140C41中华人民共和国医药行业标准Y Y/T1638.1 2019病人搬运设备第1部分:救护车担架P a t i e n t h a n d l i n g e q u i p m e n t P a r t1:M a i n s t r e t c h e r u s e d i n r o a da m b u l a n c e s2019-10-23发布