美国判例的引用格式标准的美国案件索引形式,如:Roev.Wade,410U.S.113(1973)。其中:Roe v.Wade是这个案件当事人名字的缩写,也是案件的名称。通常,第一个名字Roe是原告的姓,是案件初次归档的依据,或者是从下级法院上诉的上诉人,或者是有管辖权的高等法院中对簿公堂的请愿人;Wade是应诉的被告人的姓,或者是在上诉案中的被上诉人,或者是防卫高等法院管辖的答辩者。vis sh
iig英国新冠不可抗力司法判例英文飞机翻译 Recently, a UK court ruled in favour of companies that had sought to rely on the "force majeure" clau due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The court's decis
Lesson 1 法律制度Part One Featuers and Characteristics 第一部分 特征与特点The United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation.大学生就业培训美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。It is a new nation compared with many ot
page oneLesson One: Legal System 法律制度英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。公诉制度jupas(public procution)美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System)分散制(decentraliz
1、British commonwealth 英联邦 British commonwealth is an intergovernmental organisation of fifty-three independent member states. The member states cooperate within a framework of common values an
1、British commonwealth 英联邦 British commonwealth is an intergovernmental organisation of fifty-three independent member states. The member states cooperate within a framework of common values an
《英美法案例研读》法律出版社,何主宇 编著2007年12月案例的基本结构:1----判例的名称或抬头ca name or caption 2---案例编号ca number or citation3--判例总结syllabus or prefatory statement4----分类标题及法律摘要topics and head notes5--钥匙序号和定位数字key number an
Lesson One: Legal System 法律制度英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。公诉制度(public procution)美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System)分散制(decentralization)为原则;以判例