轮机英语是中等职业教育水运类轮机工程技术专业交通职业教育教学指导委员会规划教材之一,按照《轮机英语》教学大纲的要求而编写的。汇集了船员职务名称、机舱常用工具名称、机舱常用仪表名称等词汇。专业词汇Special Terms第一部分柴油机Diel Engine二冲程船用柴油机two stroke marine diel engine四冲程船用柴油机four stroke marine dies
奶瓶怎么消毒GF4C旋转限位开关(黄盒子)1、概述The rotary limit switch is ud to control the movement of industrial machinery. It operates旋转限位开关被用来控制工业机械的运转,as an auxiliary controller of electrical motors through a power
专业汽车英语专业英语——Engine Terms(发念头术语) Engine Terms(发念头术语) TDC(top dead center) ― the position of the crank and piston when the piston is farther away from the crankshaft. TDC (上止点) - 当活塞离曲轴最远时,曲柄和活塞的地位。 BDC