The initial capacitance value that is chon for a bypass capacitor is done to provide aminimum current need. When a clock buffer’s outputs switch, the power terminals will sagdue to the die to PCB vo
品质因数英语品质因数在英语中是 "Quality Factor"。以下是10个关于品质因数的英语句子:西汉七国之乱1. The higher the quality factor of a resonator, the longer its oscillations last.(振荡器的品质因数越高,它的振荡时间就越长。)2. The quality factor of an oscillator
【take after】xianmu①To follow as an example.仿效:将…作为榜样跟随②To remble in appearance, temperament, or character.相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相似【take apart】①To divide into parts after disasmbling.拆开:分开后将…分成许多部分②To dis
audio technicaT D I线阵相机TDI(Time Delayed and Integration)CCD(即时间延迟积分CCD)是近几年发展起来的一种新型光电传感器。TDI-CCD是基于对同一目标多次曝光,通过延迟积分的方法,大大增加了光能的收集,与一般线阵CCD相比,它具有响应度高、动态范围宽等优点。在光线较暗的场所也能输出一定信噪比的信号,可大大改善环境条件恶劣引起信噪比太低这一
Proportional-resonant controllers and filters for grid-connected voltage-source convertersR.Teodorescu,F.Blaabjerg,M.Lirre and P.C.LohAbstract:The recently introduced proportional-resonant (PR)contro