宣讲方案各种酒水中英对照酒水中英对照俄国樱桃酒cherry nalivka英国樱桃酒chesky苹果酒cider干邑白兰地cognac励志的歌曲法国桔味白酒countreau法国红葡萄甜酒Medoc忌廉按那那(菠萝味力娇甜酒)crème de ananas忌廉加诗(黑加仑力娇甜酒)crème de cassis忌廉可可(可可香草甜酒)crème de cacao忌廉富礼(士多比厘力娇甜酒)crèm
各种酒水中英对照酒水中英对照俄国樱桃酒cherry nalivka英国樱桃酒chesky苹果酒cider干邑白兰地cognac法国桔味白酒countreau法国红葡萄甜酒Medoc忌廉按那那(菠萝味力娇甜酒)crème de ananas忌廉加诗(黑加仑力娇甜酒)crème de cassis忌廉可可(可可香草甜酒)crème de cacao忌廉富礼(士多比厘力娇甜酒)crème de frai
用hot造句功夫熊猫 英语版●Today is so hot. 今天太热了。●How was the weather? 浑家bonerIt was hot.sufficientlywhere is your heart●It was only a quantity of hot gas !它不过是一定数量的高温气体而已!易背●Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot
用hot造句●周计划怎么写Today is so hot. 今天太热了。●三点河旁落打一字How was the weather?世界上最发达的国家 It was hot.余光中散文精选人生礼赞队部●集邮女王It was only a quantity of hot gas !它不过是一定数量的高温气体而已!●Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot day.俄国二月