webworkBEC商务英语热词:海关检查站大家在备考bec的时候,一定要关注一些热点词汇,因为很有可能会考到,下面小编给大家带来BEC商务英语热词:海关检查站。BEC商务英语热词:海关检查站请看《中国日报》的报道:It gives police officers the power to stop people atcustoms checkpoints if the deadbeat, or
词源趣谈:缴纳关税(customs)原来也是一项习俗(custom)单词custom来自古法语,源自拉丁语,本意是“习俗、惯例”,比如,anancient custom(一项古老的习俗),a local custom(一项当地习俗)。除此以外,custom还常表示“关税”,这是因为,缴纳关税原来也是一项习俗。外地商人向当地领主缴纳保护费的做法是一种历史悠长的惯例。早在古希腊时代,雅典成为爱琴海沿岸
BEC商务英语热词:海关检查站大家在备考bec的时候,一定要关注一些热点词汇,因为很有可能会考到,下面小编给大家带来BEC商务英语热词:海关检查站。BEC商务英语热词:海关检查站difficult的反义词请看《中国日报》的报道:It gives police officers the power to stop people atcustoms checkpoints if the deadbea
barked 时代周刊>errand1994年关税与贸易总协定(英文版)GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 19941. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 ("GATT 1994") shall consist of:盘缠(a) the provisions in the Gener
流转税Turnover tax增值税Value-added tax消费税consumption tax营业税business tax关税Tariff(customs duties)税率Rate税负转嫁Shift the tax burden税收优惠Tax incentives课税对象subject to taxation、Taxable价内税Price within the tax价外税(tax
1 Absolute advantage: 绝对优势 The greater efficiency that one nation may have have over over over another another another in in in the the the production production production of of of a a commodity.This
SINGLE CHOICE QUESTIONS( )神话的故事1. Suppo that the United States eliminates(消除) its tariff on steel imports, permitting foreign-produced steel to enter the U.S. market. Steel pric
古诗里的春天金融词典A安全网 safety net按可比口径on comparable basis按轻重缓急 to prioritize暗补 implicit subsidy暗亏 hidden lossB颁发营业执照to licen; to grant a licence to办理存款业务 to take deposits保护农民的生产积极性to protect farmers' incent