历史文化类(二)1. 中国传统节日中国传统节日 traditional Chine festival ★★★过节 celebrate a festival ★★☆放假 have a holiday / vacation ★★☆ 文化积淀 cultural accumulation ★★☆ 文化凝聚 cultural cohesion ★★☆记录社会文化生活 record the m
经典诵读文章写雪的文章以俄乌冲突你站哪一方为题一篇英语作文On february15,2022,with the high-profile announcement by the Russian Ministry of defen to withdraw some land forces deployed on the Russian Ukrainian border and previous
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愤怒的成语远⾏星号java_不纠结刷种⼦了,duzahk.java⾥⾯直接加了点东西。该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼⽂件地址: Starctor\starctor-core\data\scripts\world\systems\duzahk.java// the moons of DrujPlanetAPI duzahk2a = system.addPlanet("druj_
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渤海大学学士学位证英语考试题Television broadcasts are(1)to an area that is within the(2)of the nding station or its relay(中转站)、(3)television relays are often placed on hills and mountains so that they can(4)a wid