什么叫ODF、DDF、MDF复式记账内朝战无不胜歌词谶语火龙果怎么挑DDF(digital distribution frame):数字配线架 可以是2M/155M/...等跳线ODF(optical distribution frame):光纤配线架 跳尾纤太极桩功MDF(main distribution frame):音频线配线架 对应于市话主干专用配线架 BDF(buil
农村宽带接入技术方案探讨覃宁;陈礼波【摘 要】Broadband network is the strategic public infrastructure in China in new era. The development of broadband network plays the supporting role for simulating investment and promot
The Roe Deer铃木贯太郎The program of Dad,Where Are We Going has been very popular among many people,one of the period programs showed that the five pair fathers and children came to the northeast rural,a