Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel PriorKaiming He, Jian Sun, Xiaoou TangThe Chine University of Hong Kong 世界上最热的城市Microsoft Rearch Asia基于暗原色先验的单一图像去雾方法何恺明,孙剑,汤晓鸥香港中文大学 &nbs
<Break, Break, Break> the death of his best friend, his sadness feeling are contrasted with the carefree, innocent joys of the children and the unfeeling movement of the ship and the a waves 《
何谓现象学的“事情本身”(Sache lbst)(上)——胡塞尔、海德格尔、伽达默尔理解之差异洪汉鼎【专题名称】外国哲学【专美国mba申请 题 号】B6【复印期号】2009年老公的英文10期【原文出处】《学术月刊》(沪)2009年6期第30~38页【英文标题】How Are Things Themlves (Sache lbst) Fathomed in Phenomenology (
人物——头衔&作品Anne Bradstreet: the first American woman writerBenjamin Franklin ﹙the first person to pick out American dream and the 1st writer to write autobiography, the first lf-made American)bill
美国文学史及选读的名词解释(全)buzzwordThe American Enlightenment is the intellectual thriving period in America in the mid-to-late 18th century (1715–1789), especially as it relates to American Revolution on the on
观念史(history of ideas )近年逐渐被国内史学界重视,尤其是在讨论思想史时屡被提及。比之思想史,观念史更具哲学渊源,但奇怪的是,尽管现代哲学巨擘之一,现象学创建者胡塞尔的哲学被定位为“观念论”,两者间的关联却一直被学界忽视。实际上,尽管胡塞尔本人没有完全地提出“观念史”,甚至也没有完整地提出其历史学思想,但胡塞尔的现象学却可以指向观念史实践,并使这一研究方向推陈出新,影响到更广阔深
何谓现象学的“事情本身”(Sache lbst)(下)——胡塞尔、海德格尔、伽达默尔理解之差异洪汉鼎【专题名称】外国哲学【专 题表观遗传调控 号】B6【复印期号】2009年10期【原文出处】《学术月刊》(披星戴月的意思道歉信英语沪)2009爆炒小龙虾年7西方神话故事期第40~45页【英文标题】How Are Things Themlves (Sache lbst) Fathomed i
何谓现象学的“事情本身”(Sache lbst)(上)——胡塞尔、海德格尔、伽达默尔理解之差异洪汉鼎【专题名称】外国哲学【专 题 号】B6【复印期号】2009年10期【原文出处】《学术月刊》(沪)2009年6期第30~38页【英文标题】How Are Things Themlves (Sache lbst) Fathomed in Phenomenology (Part I): On