馒头的发明者是谁迷迷糊糊的意思是什么迷迷糊糊的意思:孩子老是咳嗽指(神志或眼睛)模糊不清。出自魏巍《我的老师》《魏巍文集》第七卷。丧假请假条收入英文英文解释in a daze;difficult to make out ;[be in a daze]∶使人混乱烦躁迷惑不清过分的做作和无目的的废话往往把人的头脑弄得迷迷糊糊,使人心烦三角测量[muddle]∶使浑浊不清喝了酒使他迷迷糊糊糊,他的嗓音也
Ⅱ . 1.The younger generation of the 1920s were thought to be wild becau they visited speakeasies, denounced Puritan morality, etc. (See para. 1).针织服装 2. "Yes" and "no Yes" becau the business of
Ⅱ . 1.The younger generation of the 1920s were thought to be wild becau they visited speakeasies, denounced Puritan morality, etc. (See para. 1). 2. "Yes" and "no Yes" becau the business of grow