玩词︱别笑了,这些重要的语法规则都记住了吗?谁说语法写作规则学起来很枯燥?令人捧腹的40条写作建议,让你过目难忘:Verbs HAS环保纸袋 to agree with their subjects.动词必须和主语保持一致。(比如这里的HAS要改为HAVE)Never u a preposition to end a ntence linlinwith.句子不要把介词(比如with)放结尾
历史记忆夏洛克福尔摩斯的名言名句1.福尔摩斯经典名言⒈When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. 排除一切不可能的,剩下的即使再不可能,那也是真相。(四签名) ⒉If you preci destruction, in the public i
英语“除……之外”的相关用法 十一.excepted 是当动词用的专利查询except的过去分词,它后置于名词或代词之后作定语,例如: e l,the sick excepted, muststart out at once.除病号外,其他人都必须立即出发。 thowho to ok part in the plot,nobody excepted,were punished.