成全刘若英TED“大姨妈”不是什么羞于启齿的事演说者:Aditi Gupta演说题目:A taboo-free way to talk about periods茶园中学生理期话题长期以来在世界很多地方被视为禁忌,相关教育更是形同虚设,不少年轻人在这方面因为缺少正确的指导而受到不必要的困苦与伤害,甚至误入歧途。今天TED演讲者 Aditi Gupta女士决意要打破这种迂腐的束缚,让谈论生理期不再是
How to U the IEEEtran L A T E X ClassMichael Shell,Member,IEEE(Invited Paper)Abstract—This article describes how to u the IEEEtran class with L A T E X to produce high quality typet papers that
Chapter 2 Application Layer1. In the following four descriptions, which one is correct? A In C/S architecture, clients communicate with each other directly.例假有血块正常吗B In C/S architecture, c
貔貅吊坠⾼中英语:15类连接词,⼀篇汇总好的连接词会让阅卷⽼师眼前⼀亮,也有利于让你的作⽂在⼀众考卷中脱颖⽽出,今天为⼤家总结了15类连接词,期中考试时前⼤家可以背⼀背!爱劳动1. 表⽰强调still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of cour, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above