西安交通大学14年6月课程考试《专业英语》考查课试题一、其他题(共 5 道试题,共 70 分。)1. 1. the standard measure of electrical power ____________2. an electric generator that produces alternating current
什么是SELV和PELVLt D什么是SELV和PELV?FELV是什么意思?SELV和PELV,FELV的区别什么是SELV?Safety ELV (SELV) circuitelectrical circuit with the following characteristics:• the voltage does not exceed ELV;• protective p
SELV和PELV,FELV的区别 2012-06-05 21:45:19| 分类: 电气|字号 订阅什么是SELV?Safety ELV (SELV) circuitelectrical circuit with the following characteristics:? the voltage does not exceed ELV;? prot
什么是SELV和PELVLt D什么是SELV和PELV?FELV是什么意思?SELV和PELV,FELV的区别什么是SELV?Safety ELV (SELV) circuitelectrical circuit with the following characteristics:• the voltage does not exceed ELV;• protective p
SELV和PELV,FELV的区别 2012-06-05 21:45:19| 分类: 电气|字号 订阅什么是SELV?Safety ELV (SELV) circuitelectrical circuit with the following characteristics:? the voltage does not exceed ELV;? prot