练普拉提学英语1、Bicycle Invertedutg动作描述:Lie on back with straight legs and hands under hips, palms up.仰卧腿伸直,手放于髋部,掌心向上。Lift legs until hips are at 90 degrees.抬起腿部直到髋关节呈90度。Lift hips up and support with arms
1、 Bicycle Inverted动作描述:青花鱼养殖Lie on back with straight legs and hands under hips, palms up.仰卧腿伸直,手放于髋部,掌心向上。读书的照片Lift legs until hips are at 90 degrees.抬起腿部直到髋关节呈90度。Lift hips up and support with arms