php中⽔仙花数的求法,php⽔仙花数是什么php⽔仙花数是什么?所谓“⽔仙花数”,是指⼀个 n 位数 ( n≥3 ),它的每个位上的数字的 n 次幂之和等于它本⾝。PHP求⽔仙花数的程序,有多种写法:⽅法⽰例⼀:<?phpheader("content-type:text/html;chart=utf-8;"); //设置页⾯编码为 utf-8//以下代码求解1000以内的⽔仙花数ec
这是一个讲述我死亡的故事This is the story of how I died.别紧张 其实这是个很有趣的故事Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story.更确切地说 我并不是主角And the truth is, it isn't even mine.主角是一个名叫瑞普兹的女孩This is the story of a girl name
这是一个讲述我死亡的故事This is the story of how I died.别紧张 其实这是个很有趣的故事Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story.更确切地说 我并不是主角And the truth is, it isn't even mine.主角是一个名叫瑞普兹的女孩This is the story of a girl name