SAP 包装功能介绍及功能实现一:SAP 包装功能介绍生产包装:包装物作为生产材料的一部分,以BOM结构项下的组件为表现形式,261对生产定单发货,从而产生价值实现成本。与SD无关。液体化妆品的容器、膏状产品的容器,很明显,这些产品如果没有容器,就不可能交付到顾客手中,也就不成其为销售.2)销售包装:包装物不是成品项下的一个组件,而是出于促销目的的附加包装。可以当作生产定单BOM项下的组件处理,也
Terms and Conditions of Purcha- Bosch China[采购通则——博世(中国)]1.General总则Our Terms and Conditions of Purcha shall apply exclusively; Business terms and conditions of the Supplier conflicting with or Su
Terms and Conditions of Purcha- Bosch China[采购通则——博世(中国)]1.General总则Our Terms and Conditions of Purcha shall apply exclusively; Business terms and conditions of the Supplier conflicting with or Su
You have to make friends with people who dare to accu you of your shortcomings, criticize you face to face, and stay away from people who flatter your shortcomings and who have been joking about you
If you think that you have forgotten a person, then you are not so stupid as to mention her with forgetting.简单易用 轻享办公(页眉可删)什么是诺成合同和要式合同? 诺成合同又称不要物合同。实践合同的对称。指仅以当事人意思表示一致为成立要件的合同。要式合同,是指法律、行政法规规定,或者当事人