《 饭店服务英语》 B 级(客房)试卷(一)学期陈述报告一、选择题:以下各题的选项中,只有一项是正确的,请将正确答案前的英文字母分别在信息卡相应栏目内涂黑。评分以信息卡为准。(每题1 分,共20 分)1. Would you plea tell us __________ ? A. what is your room number B. what your room number is C.
发盘信1. 感谢询盘We are plead to receive your inquiry of March 1 and to hear that you are interested in…….Thank you for your inquiry for …….2. 报盘细节⏹单句式(报盘顺序:数量+品名+规格+单价+船期+付款方式)We would like to offer you (