Lesson Fourteen The Delicatesn 熟食店Thomas Mann 汤姆逊·曼 1... Down in the town on a corner of what was, comparatively speaking, our busiest street, there was a neat and attractively stocked delicat
Lesson Fourteen The Delicatesn 熟食店Thomas Mann 汤姆逊·曼 1... Down in the town on a corner of what was, comparatively speaking, our busiest street, there was a neat and attractively stocked delicat
考试的题型有所变化,第一项:术语的翻译10题10分;第二项:填空20分20题;第三项:选择20题20分;第四项:判断,20题20分;第五项:名词解释,10题15分;第六项:Practical work 2题20分tgp是什么题库一一、Translate the following terms into their Chine equivalents (10%):1. displacement6