只加一笔赏析:林语堂版《兰亭集序》英译文关角隧道永和九年,岁在癸(guǐ)丑。暮春之初,会于会(kuài)稽山阴之兰亭,修禊(xì)事也。群贤毕至,少长(zhǎng)咸集。此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞(shāng)曲水,列坐其次。虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。qiaobusiIt is the ninth year of Yonghe (A.C.353
生活常见英语经典谚语精选汇集 生活常见英语经典谚语: 1.The sauce is better than the fish.喧宾夺主 2. A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火 3. Good wine needs no bush.酒香不怕巷子深 4.There is no smoke without fi
“永和九年,岁在癸丑,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。”四大皆空是指什么“This is the ninth year of Yungho (AD353) Kueichou in cycle. We met in late spring at the Or-chid Pavilion in Shanyin to celebrate the Water Festi-v