I’m forced to read this novel at the beginning, but I can’t wait to finishit subquently.
"It is a truth universally acknowledges that a single man in posssion ofa good fortune must be in want of a wife." This is just as Leo Tolstoy’s famousstarting in 《Anna Karenina》: "All happy families remble one another, eachunhappy family is unhappy in its own way". To begin with such a design, JaneAusten has her deep meaning. Marriage and money are inparable. The undertoneis very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion butposssion. The author does not deny this. So she us typical Bennets to provethis truth.
The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18thcentury. The five Bennet sisters--including strong-willed Elizabeth and youngLydia--have all been raid by their mother with one purpo in life: finding awealthy husband. So when a wealthy bachelor shows up in their lives, the wholefamily is turned upside-down. But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome butsnobbish Mr. Darcy, the battle of the xes is joined.
As we all know, Austen, in this novel, through the five Bennet daughters’attitude towards love and marriage, shows the relationship between mentalfeelings, such as love, and material posssions , which also reflects theauthors attitude: Marry for the sake of property, money or status is wrong;marry but do not take into account the above factors is foolish. As a result,she not only oppod to marry for the purpo of money, but also oppod totreat marriage as childs play. She stresd the importance of an idealmarriage. But in modern society, although the marriages of economic needs havedecread rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rootedin some people’s mind.
Then let’s e to talk about the meaningful topic of this love story: 《PrideAnd Prejudice》
Pride and prejudice are our mon problems and weakness. In fact, everyoneis very easy to be driven by his own subjective impression and thus easy to makeincorrect ments on others, and then led to misunderstand between people. One’sfirst impression can affect a lot of things for sure, but it doesn’t mean itcouldn’t be changed. The deeper you get to understand someone, the moreobjective points you will have on him or her. The changing of Elizabeth’s pointof view towards Darcy just proved this perfectly: no pride, no prejudice, andthe two married just becau they love each other, just becau they need eachother instead of need each other’s posssions. Austen is smart, becauElizabeth got beauty and intelligence while Darcy is handsome and rich. I evenwonder if such a perfect marriage could take place in modern society.
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