Regulatory Affairs (RA):药政事务
drug authority:药政当局
investigation and rearch before project approval:立项前的调研
Market Authorization (MA):上市许可
post-approval commitment study:上市后的承诺研究
post-approval variation application:补充申请
life cycle:生命周期
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC):药品的化学、生产和控制
cross-functional teams:公司内部各部门
look at the big picture:从大局考虑
think strategically:进行战略性思考
risks and benefits:风险和获益
Food and Drug Administration (FDA):美国食品药品监督管理局
European Medicines Agency (EMA):欧洲药品管理局
International Multi-center Clinical Trial (IMCT):国际多中心临床试验
Bioequivalence study (BE study):生物等效性试验
generic drug:仿制药
Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE):SFDA下属的药品审评中心
Quality by Design (QbD):质量源于设计
CMC Pilot Program:FDA在业内开展的关于QbD的试点研究
early launch:早日上市
design space:设计空间
Business Development (BD):业务发展部门
Imported Drug Licen (IDL):进口药品注册证
Manufacturing Licen (ML):生产许可证
Clinical Trial Permission (CTP):临床试验批件
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API):原料药
Orange Book:橙皮书
business value:商业价值
the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China(ChP):中国药典
the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP):美国药典
the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.或EP):欧洲药典
List of Esntial Drugs (EDL):基本药物目录
Reimburment Drug List (RDL):医保目录)
typing error:打印错误
slip of the pen:笔误
Drug Master File (DMF):药物主文件
Certificate of Analysis (CoA):检验报告
Marketing (MKT):市场部
market share:市场占有率
sales volume:销量
investigator brochure (IB):研究者手册
package inrt (PI):说明书
Patient Information Leaflet (PIL):患者使用的说明书
Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC,SPC):产品特性摘要
foil:铝箔 carton:装药品的小盒
shipping label:运输包装标签
provincial drug administration (PDA):省级药监局,包括省、自治区和直辖市药品监督管理部门 Institute for Food and Drug Control:药检所
National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products (NICPBP):中国药品生物制品检定所,简称“中检所”
supplementary dossier:补充资料
approval letter:注册批件
out of specification (OOS):超出标准、不合格
adver effect (AE):不良事件
trial waiver:减免临床试验
new chemical entity (NCE):新化学实体
key opinion leader (KOL):关键意见领袖
off-label u:标签外使用
patient pool:患者库
global trial:全球性的临床试验,即国际多中心临床试验
regional trial:区域性的临床试验