Determinants of competitive advantage for German
food processors
期刊名称: Agribusiness
作者: Jan Schiefer,Monika Hartmann
年份: 2010年
期号: 第3期
关键词: lf-heal;total-antioxidant capacity;total phenolic
compounds;rosmarinic acid
摘要:This article aims to explain the variation in firm performance in the German food processing industry. Building on the resource-bad view, both drivers and outcomes of firm performance were defined as relative concepts. Performance was measured as relative return on asts and sales, relativ
e change in sales, and by combining the variables into an integrated performance measure. Data for the analysis was gathered in an online firm survey and analyzed by means of nonparametric correlation and regression analysis. The survey respon was very
low and the sample may not be a good reprentation of the population. However, the results indicate that the main drivers for firm advantages lie within technology and production-related areas. They further suggest that with firm-specific variables, it is possible to explain as much