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JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN MEDICAL COLLEGES Authorship Responsibility, Disclosure, and Assignment of Copyright Form
Each author must read and sign the statements on Authorship Responsibility and Criteria and either Copyright  Transfer or Federal Employment.
a.the article is his or her original work, not published
elwhere in whole or in part (except in abstract
form), and any other publications that might appear
to be a prior or concurrent publication of this
original work have been revealed to the Editor of
Academic Medicine;
b.the article is not concurrently under consideration
by another publication;
c.any material that is not original was taken openly
from other sources, full references have been given
to the author(s) and copyright holder(s) (authors and
publishers) of the sources, and written permission
has been obtained from the copyright holders to
reprint any tables or figures that are copyrighted
d.he or she has contributed substantially to (1)
conception and design, or acquisition of data, or
analysis and interpretation of data, (2) drafting
the article or revising it critically for important
intellectual content, and (3) final approval of
the version to be published. Authors must meet
conditions 1, 2, and 3 Acquisition of funding,
collection of data, or general supervision of the
rearch group, alone, does not justify authorship
Each author should have participated sufficiently in
the work to take public responsibility for appropriate
portions of the content;
e.he or she has been advid that Academic Medicine
may share this article with a third-party author
for the purpo of soliciting a commentary to
accompany the author’s work.
f.this agreement includes all submitted written material
as well as any supplementary digital material including
but not limited to audio, video, and other data files
who formats may vary;
g.for studies or evaluations involving human
participants (including students, residents, and
faculty), details are provided of ethical approval for
the rearch in the manuscript, including but not
limited to the name of the approving committee (e.g.,
Institutional Review Board) and the name(s) of the
institution at which approval was granted. Authors
who do not have access to a formal ethical approval
process have provided information in the manuscript
about the appropriate and ethical treatment of human
p articipants as described in US Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 45, Part 46; and
h.all intellectual contributions, technical help,
financial or material support, and financial or other
relationships that may constitute or lead to a conflict
of interest have been acknowledged or disclod in
the article;
____________________________________________ Your Signature Date
By entering my name in the signature field, I indicate my intent to agree to the above.
In consideration of publishing this article, the author undersigned hereby transfers, assigns, or otherwi conveys all copyright ownership to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). By this transfer, the article becomes the property of the AAMC and may not be published elwhere without written permission from the AAMC. This transfer of copyright also implies transfer
of rights for printed, electronic, microfilm, and facsimile publication. The author(s) will receive no royalty or other monetary compensation for transferring the copyright of the article to the AAMC.
The AAMC, in turn, grants each author the right to republish the article, without paying royalties to the AAMC, in any book of which he or she is the author or editor, subject to the express conditions th
at (a) the author notify Academic Medicine in advance in writing of this republication and (b) a credit line attributes the original publication to Academic Medicine.
____________________________________________ Your Signature Date
By entering my name in the signature field, I indicate my intent to agree to the above.
Author Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Manuscript Title _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Corresponding Author or Manuscript Tracking # ______________________________________________________
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I attest that the article was written as part of my official duties as an employee of the U.S. Government and that transfer of copyright cannot be made.
____________________________________________ Your Signature Date By entering my name in the signature field, I indicate my intent to agree to the above.
Academic Medicine  will permit the author(s) to deposit for display a “post-print” (the final manuscript after peer-review and acceptance for publication but prior to the publisher’s copyediting, design, formatting, and other rvices) 12 months after publication of the final article on his/her personal web site, university’s institutional repository or employer’s intranet, subject to the following:
a.Y ou may only deposit the post-print.
b.Y ou may not update the post-print text or replace it
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version of the article in any commercial site or in any repository owned or operated by any third party. For authors of articles bad on rearch funded by NIH, Wellcome Trust, HHMI, or other fund
ing agency, e below for the rvices that LWW will provide on your behalf to comply with “Public Access Policy” guidelines.  d. Y ou may not display the post-print until twelve
months after publication of the final article.  e. Y ou must attach the following notice to the post-print: “This is a non-final version of an article
published in final form in (provide complete journal citation)”.  f. Y ou shall provide a link in the post-print to the
Academic Medicine’s website.“PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY” FUNDING DISCLOSURE Plea disclo below if you have received funding for rearch on which your article is bad from any of the following organizations:
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
Rearch Councils UK (RCUK)
Wellcome Trust
Other: Plea List ___________________________
request authors to submit the post-print (the article after peer review and acceptance but not the final published article) to a repository that is accessible online by all without charge. Within medical rearch, three funding agencies in particular have announced such policies:
• The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires authors to deposit post-prints bad on NIH-funded rearch in its repository PubMed Central (PMC) within twelve months after publication of the final article in the journal.
• The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) requires as a condition of rearch grants, deposit in PMC, but in its ca within six months after publication of the final article.
• The Wellcome Trust requires, as a condition of rearch grants, deposit in UK PubMed Central within six months after publication of the final article.
As a rvice to our authors, LWW will identify to National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit. This Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism for identifying such articles. LWW will transmit the post-print of an article bad on rearch funded in whole or in part by one or more of the three agencies to Pub Med Central.Upon NIH request, it remains the legal responsibility of the author(s) to confirm with NIH the provenance of their manuscript for purpos of deposit.
Author(s) will not alter the post-print already transmitted to NIH.
Author(s) will not authorize the display of the post-print prior to:
(a)12 months following publication of the final article, in the ca of NIH,  (b)6 months following publication of the final article, in
the ca of Wellcome Trust and HHMI
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Both the Rearch Councils UK (RCUK) and the Wellcome Trust have adopted policies regarding Open Access to articles that have been funded by grants from the RCUK or the Wellcome Trust.  If either “Wellcome Trust” or “Rearch Councils UK (RCUK)” has been lected above, and the authors of the applicable article choo to have the article published as an open access publication, the following policies will apply:• If the article is to be published pursuant to the
“Gold” route of Open Access, both the RCUK and
the Wellcome Trust require that LWW make the
article freely available immediately pursuant to the
Attribution 3.0 Creative Commons Licen, currently
found at /licens/by/3.0/
legalcode (the “CC BY Licen”). The CC BY Licen
is the most accommodating of the Creative Commons
licens and allows others to distribute, remix, tweak,
and build upon the article, even commercially, as long
as they credit the authors for the original creation.
• If the article is to be published pursuant to the “Green”
route of Open Access, both the RCUK and the
Wellcome Trust require that LWW make the article
freely available within six months pursuant to the
Attribution-NonCommerical 3.0 Creative Commons
Licen, currently found at creativecommons.
org/licens/by-nc/3.0/legalcode (the “CC BY-NC
Licen”). The CC BY-NC Licen allows others
to remix, tweak, and build upon the article non-
commercially, and although their new works must also
acknowledge the authors for the original creation and
be non-commercial, they don’t have to licen their
derivative works on the same terms.  As a rvice to our authors, LWW will identify to National Library of Medicine (NLM) articles that require deposit pursuant to the RCUK and Wellcome Trust policies described in this ction. This Copyright Transfer Agreement provides the mechanism for identifying such articles.
LWW will transmit the final peer-reviewed manuscript of an article bad on rearch funded in whole or in part by either RCUK or the Wellcome Trust to Pub Med Central.
Upon NIH request, it remains the legal responsibility of
the author to confirm with NIH the provenance of his/her manuscript for purpos of deposit. Author will not deposit articles him/herlf. Author will not alter the final peer-reviewed manuscript already transmitted to NIH.
With respect to the “Green” route of Open Access, author will not authorize the display of the final peer-reviewed manuscript prior to 6 months following publication of the final article.
Authors of articles that have been funded from grants from the RCUK or the Wellcome Trust are required to sign the LWW Open Access Licen Agreement prior to publication of the applicable article.  Plea contact the Editorial Office of the applicable Journal to receive the Open Access Licen Agreement that is to be signed in connection with the publication of the article.
Compliance with RCUK and Wellcome Trust Open
Access Policies
Plea upload one copyright form per author with
your revid manuscript.
Contact *********************** with any questions.

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