E x e r c i s e 1
⼀、Make choice of whether the following bills are acceptable or not. Mark X before
acceptable or unacceptable you cho.
(1) A bill shows: pay to ABC Co. providing the goods in compliance with contract
the sum of one thousand US Dollars. It is ?acceptable / ?unacceptable.
(2) A bill shows: pay to ABC Co. the sum of ten thousand US dollars on condition
that shipment of goods has been made. It is ? acceptable / ?unacceptable.
(3) A bill shows: On demand pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of twenty
thousand US dollars drawn against shipment of 10bales cotton piece goods from Tianjin to London. It is ? acceptable /? unacceptable.
(4) A bill shows: pay to ABC Co. out of proceeds of sale of woollen blankets the
sum of one thousand US dollars. It is ? acceptable / ?unacceptable.
(5) A bill shows: pay from our No. 2 account to ABC Co. the sum of one thousand
US dollars. It is ? acceptable /?unacceptable.
(6) A bill shows: pay to ABC Co. or order the sum of one thousand pounds and
debit our No. 2 account. It is ? acceptable / ?unacceptable.
(7) A bill shows :after customs clearance pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of
twenty thousand US dollars. It is ? acceptable / ?unacceptable.
(8) A bill shows: pay to Mary the sum of fifty pounds and give her a suit of clothes.
It is ? acceptable /?unacceptable.
(9) A bill shows: pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand pounds plus
interest. It is ? acceptable /?unacceptable.
⼆、(1) A bill is payable at XX days after sight, what date is the day from which time
of payment begins to run?
The date of acceptance
(2)A bill is payable at XX days after date, what date is the day from which time of
payment begins to run?
The date of issuing
(3) The maturity of one month after 31 Jan. is28 Feb
(4) The maturity of 180 days after 4 April is 1 Oct
(5) The maturity of 180 days from 6 Nov.1999 is 3 May. 2000
三、Fill in the following blank forms to draw a bill of exchange. The bill includes the requisite items as follows:
(1) date: 22 May,200X
amount: GBP21,787.00
tenor: at 90 days after sight
drawer: China National Animal By products Imp.& Exp. Corp, Beijing Branch, Beijing drawee: Bank of Atlantic, London
payee: the Order of China National Animal By product Imp.& Exp. Corp, Beijing Branch (2) date: 23 July,2000
amount: USD 35,461.50
tenor: on 31 Oct, 2000 fixed
darwer: George Anderson Inc, New York
drawee: Irving Trust Company, New York
payee: Brown and Thomas Inc. or order
drawn against shipment of cotton form Australia to St. Louis.
四、Plea answer, fill the blank in or made choice of the following question.
(1) Prefer to the above bill, the Bank of Australia has the right transferring it to other person, or the right of prentment for acceptance and/or claim for payment to The Import Co. Melbourne. If the latter refus to pay, the holder has the right of recour against the Exporting Co. London
(2) The payee’s London Office wishes to transfer the bill to Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, plea make a restrictive endorment.
Pay to Bank of New Zealand, Auckland only
For Bank of Australia
(3) Plea make a blank endorment.
For Bank of Australia
(4) Having made an endorment in blank, the holder nd the bill to Bank of New Zealand, Auckland who wishes to convert this blank endorment into a special endorment to themlves. Plea make this special endorment.
Pay to the order of Bank of New Zealand, Auckland only
For Bank of Australia, London
(5) If the condition is “on delivery of B/L No. 125”, plea make a conditional endorment.
Pay to Bank of Australia or order on delivery of B/L No. 125
For Bank of Australia, London
(6) If payee’s London office wishes to nd the bill to their Melbourne office for collection, plea make an endorment for collection.
Pay to the order of Bank of Australia Melbourne office only for collection
For Bank of Australia, London
(7) Refer to the above bill, a banker designated as payer is Bank of Melbourne, Melbourne. Date of acceptance is 10 April, 200X. Plea make acceptance of such bill indicating its maturity.
10 April, 200X
9 June, 200X
Payable at Bank of Melbourne, Melbourne
For the Importing Co.
五、Choo the best answer to each of the following questions
Exerci 2
P1ea answer,fill the blank in or make choice of the
following questions.
1、There are four parties in a remittance,
< (1) remitter (2) payee
(3) remitting bank and (4) paying bank
2、Remittance through a bank from one country to another may
usually be made by one of the following methods:
(1) Telegraphic Transfer (2) Mail Transfer (3) Banker’s Demand Draft
3、(1)Payment in advance which is adopted in international trade is
usually effected by remittance,and is advantageous to
(2)Payment after arrival of goods which is adopted in
international trade is usually effected by remittance too ,and is advantageous to (□exporter/×importer).
(3)Payment after arrival of goods include two types of goods for
①Goods Sold②Consignment .
4、Financial documents mean bills of exchange,promissory notes,cheques.
Commercial documents mean invoices,transport
documents,documents of title or other similar documents.
5、C1ean collection means collection of financial documents not
accompanied by commercial documents
6、Documentary collection means collection of
(1)Financial documents accompanied by commercial documents,or (2)commercial documents not accompanied by financial documents .
7、How many parties are there in a collection ?
(1) Principal (or ller)(2) Remitting Bank
(3) Collecting bank (4) Drawee(or buyer)
8、Terms of delivery of documents are as follows:
(1)Delivery of documents against payment,its abbreviation
is D/P .
(2)Delivery of documents against acceptance,its abbreviation
is D/A .
9、(1)The remitting bank has maintained an account with the collecting bank,how do you write collecting proceeds instructions in the
collection instruction . When collected plea credit our account with you under your cable/airmail advice to us (2)The Collecting bank has maintained an account with the
remitting bank,how do you write co11ecting proceeds
instructions in the collection instruction?
Plea collect the proceeds and authorize us by cable/airmail debit your accountwith us
10、Remitting bank:Bank of China,Tianjin
Paying bank:Bank of China,Luxemburg
Date of cable:9 June
Ref No.208TT0219
Amount:USD l,660.00
Payee:Marie Clauda Dumont,Luxemburg
Account No.0—164/7295/550 with
Banque International du Luxemburg
Remitter:Crystal Palace Hotel,Tianjin
Cover:Debit our H.O. account