16. exclusive contract 独家合同
17. current account 经常项⽬
18. clearing agreement 结算协议
19. per capita income ⼈均收⼊
20. barrier-free market ⽆障碍市场
21. carbon tax 碳税
22. real estate 房地产
23. test market 测试市场
24. intellectual property right 知识产权
25. business cycle 商业周期
26. 供应过剩The oversupply
27. 收盘价The closing price
28. 初级产品The Primary products
29. 市场份额market share
30. 双边条约bilateral treaty
31. 产地证明书Certificate of origin
32. 中国出⼝商品交易会Chine export commodities fair
33. 资本货物Capital goods
34. 优先权Priority
35. 直接投资Direct investment
16.Dollar-denominated 以美元计价的
17.client state 附庸国
18.packing list 装箱单
19.generalized system of preferences 普遍优惠制20.debt rvice 债务服务21.tax-cut-induced boom 减税诱导繁荣
22.barrier-free market ⽆障碍市场
23.fiscal packages 财政包
24.holiday fliers 假⽇传单
25.fledgling industries ⽻翼未丰的⾏业
26.保税仓库26. The bonded warehou
27. 进⼝配额Import quotas
28. 商务顾问Then. Business consultant
29. 国际品牌international brand
30. 报复性制裁retaliatory sanctions
31.国内需求Domestic demand
32.硬通货Hard currency
33. 政府采购The government procurement
34. 特许经营权franchi
35. 反倾销Anti-dumping
16. exclusive contract 独家经销合同
17. preferred status 优先权
18. spot market 现货市场
19. Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银⾏
20. means of production ⽣产资料
21. punitive import tariff 惩罚性进⼝关税
22. GDP 国内⽣产总值
23. trade reprisal 贸易报复
24. fledgling industries 新兴⼯业
25. countervailing duty 反补贴税
26. 双边条约 bilateral pacts
27. 试销市场 test market
28. 原材料 raw materials
29. 收盘价 closing level/closing price
30. 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment (status)
31. 技术转让 technology transfer
32. ⾼⼯资经济 high wage economy
33. ⼈均收⼊ per capita income
34. 经济特区 Special Economic Zones / SEZs
35. ⾃由贸易区 free-trade zone
16.商品市场 commodity market
17.可兑换货币 convertible curreny
18.外汇储备 foreign-exchange rerves
19.贸易逆差 trade deficits
20.商业活动中⼼ commericial hub
21.证券投资 portfolio investment
23.独家经销合同 exclusive contract
24.有价证券 curity
25.进⼝配额 import quota
26. brain trust 智囊团
27. spot market 现货市场
28. debt restructuring 债务重组
29. Bank of International Settlements 国际清算银⾏
30. certificate of origin 原产地证书
31. free trade ⾃由贸易
32. liquid asts 流动资产
33. technology transfer 技术转让
34. preferential tax rate 优惠税率
35. the rvice ctor 服务⾏业
17.企业家精神 Entrepreneurship
18.⼈均收⼊Per capita income
19.贸易制裁Trade sanctions
20.资本市场The capital market
21.(企业等的)总部(enterpri) headquarters
22.有价证券The curities
23.批发商 Wholesaler
24.市场⼒量Market forces
25.新兴⼯业The emerging industrial
26. coupon 优惠券
27. fiscal packages 财政包
28. visible trade 有形贸易
29. Gross Domestic Product 国内⽣产总值
30. trade balance 贸易平衡
31. countervailing duty 反补贴税
32. consumer goods 消费品
33. export quota system 出⼝配额制度
34. convertible currency 兑换货币
35. futures 期货
16. market share 市场份额
17. raw material 原料
18. capital market 资本市场
19. foreign-exchange rerves 外汇储备
20. bilateral pacts 双边协定
21. intellectual property 知识产权
22. free trade ⾃由贸易
23. (OPEC)欧佩克
24. hard currency 硬通货
25. consumer goods 消费品
26. 战略性储备The strategic rerve
27. 服务贸易Service trade
28. 供应过剩Then Supply surplus
29. 清算协议ttlement agreement
30. 利息付款interest payment
31. 特别提款权Special Drawing Rights
32. 证券投资The curities investment
33. ⽣产⼒Productivity
34. 合资企业Joint venture
35. 技术转让T echnology transfer
16. vested interests 既得利益
17. wholesaler 批发商
18. a hermit nation ⼀个闭关⾃守的国家
19. buzzword 时髦词语
20. insolvency ⽆偿还能⼒
21. take title 取得所有权
22. market regulation 市场调节
23. public tender 公开招标
24. countervailing duty 反补贴税
25. consortium 财团;联合放款团
三、将下列汉语词组译成英⽂(本⼤题共10⼩题,每⼩题1分,共10分)26.反通胀政策 deinflationary policy (policies) 27.贸易制裁 trade sanction (s)
28.产地证明书 certificate of origin
29. 市场动⼒ market force(s)
30. 转让⼈ licenr
31. 现货市场 spot market
32. 经常项⽬ current account
33. 收盘价 closing price
34.出⼝配额制 export quota system 35.服务贸易 trade in rvice
16. in surplus 在剩余
17. Comecon
18. preferred status 优先地位
19. the state apparatus 国家机器
20. productive forces ⽣产⼒
21. exclusive contract 独家合同
22. state-run enterpris 国营企业
23. the wet market 潮湿的市场
24. franchie 特许经营商
25. import quota system 进⼝配额制度
26. 海关税The customs tax
27. 易货贸易The barter trade
28. 外汇储备The Foreign currency rerves
29. 优惠税率preferential tariff
30. 证券市场curities market
31. 收盘价The closing price
32. 经纪业Brokerage
33. 可兑换货币Convertible currency
34. 主要供应商Main suppliers
35. 汇率The exchange rate
16. fiscal packages 1:财政⼀揽⼦计划
17. countervailing duty 反补贴税
18. debt rvice 利息付款
19. liquid asts 易于变卖的资产
20. good resistance 强阻⼒
21. current account 经常项⽬