县委 county party committee
人民政府 people’s municipal government
招商引资 attract foreign business and investments
优惠政策 preferential policy
区域经济发展 regional economic development
法规 laws and regulations
适用范围 scope of application
法人 legal person
法人代表 corporate reprentative
自然人 natural person
民间团体 non-governmental organization
固定资产 fixed asts
产业聚集区 aggregative industrial zone
一产或三产项目 primary industry or rvice ctor
矿产开发 mineral exploitation
初加工项目 start-up processing project
主导产业 leading industry
标准化厂房 standard workshop
土地使用权 land u rights
征地费用 land acquisition costs
投资强度 investment intensity
容积率 plot ratio
建筑系数 building factor
绿化率 greening rate
非生产性设施 non-productive facilities
用地面积 site area
国土部门 ministry of land
国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources
《工业项目建设用地控制标准》 the Control standard of Industrial Construction land
国有土地使用证 state-owned land u certificate
成本价 cost price
征地补偿 compensation for land acquisition
附属物补偿 compensation for appendants
报批费用 approval fee
基础设施建设 infrastructure construction
纳税奖励政策 tax incentive policy
增值税 added-value tax
企业所得税 business/ corporate income tax
营业税 business/ sales tax
合同约定 agreements upon the contract
契税 contract tax
耕地占用税 tax on the occupancy of cultivated land
入库渠道 inbound channel
项目技术改造 technology upgrading project
扩大再生产 expanded reproduction
高新技术项目 high and new technology project
工程技术中心 engineering technical center
重点实验室 key laboratory
高新技术产业 high and new technology industries
基准存款利率 the benchmark deposit rate
租赁收入 rental income
BT build-transfer
BT投资模式:是BOT的一种变换形式,是指一个项目的运作通过项目管理公司总承包后,由承包方垫资进行建设,建设验收完毕再移交给项目业主。BOT是对 Build-Own-Tran
BOT build-own-transfer
运输补贴政策 subsidy policy for transportation
申办 bid
建设 construct
投产 go into operation
工本费 cost of production
行政性规费 administrative fees
污水处理费 wage treatment fee
行政事业性收费 administrative rvice fees
服务性收费 rvice charge / fee for rvice
招工培训 recruiting and training
人力资源和社会保障部分 human sources and social curity department
职工住房 employee residence
公租房 public rental housing
廉租房 low-rent housing
分期分批 by stages and in groups
人才支持政策 talent support policy
高级职称 title of nior professional post
事业编制 staffing of government affiliated institutions
事业单位 institutional organization
水电优惠政策 preferential policy for water and electricity
帮办服务政策 deputy rvice policy
行业龙头 leading enterpris
总部经济 headquarters economy
“一事一议”原则 the principal of one project one discussion
仓储 storage
物流园 logistics park
专业市场 specialized market
种植基地 planting ba
养殖基地 breeding ba