8 7
ill. 31:
example of construction
elements for a ca with
wooden board cladding
key to numbers ud in ill. 31
1 transversal runners 6 diagonals
2 longitudinal runners 7 top cross boards
3 bottom boards 8 battens
4 header joists 9 lid/ sawn timber
5 sawn timber cladding between battens and lid:
additional protective layer made from
double sided board or film plus hard
fibre board
The following principles must be respected:
The bottom has to be provided with the necessary means for • later lifting by crane or stackers, bearing in mind the sub- quent centre of gravity of the packaged goods Ill. 34 – Ill.36).Packaging goods must principally be firmly fastened to the bot- • tom of the ca. The goods must be fastened with bolts and screws all the way through the bottom. Where cas have run- ners, the bolts must be screwed through the (Ill.37 and Ill.38).If direct screwing or bolting onto the bottom is impossible, • additional solidly screwed-on frames, cross or longitudinal bars, cleats or similar devices must be affixed to cope with horizontal loads (Ill.39).
The mass of the packaging good or net mass must be distri- • buted evenly over the surface of the bottom. If the standing or resting area of the packaging good is inferior to its maximum length and/or width dimensions, additional and suitable sup- ports must be provided for with the construction (Ill.40). It must be ensured that all forces are transferred into the load points of attack (ill.41).
When packaging heavyweight loads, the bottom must be pro- • vided with additional square cross bars on the inside of the end wall panels. Their screws or bolts must be fully screwed through the longitudinal runners. (Recommendation for loads
exceeding 10kN or 1000 kg gross mass) Ill.42.
The bottoms of cas and crates of construction types B1 – • B3 must be provided with at least two load-bearing longitudi- nal cross bars or runners.
The distance between runners must not exceed 100 cm approx.• Unless no specific rules for fastening the packaging goods to • the runners must be met, the number of runners should be
chon according to the following table:
key to the above illustration 32:1 transversal runners 3 header joists 2
longitudinal runners
4 botttom boards
To enable lifting for stacking and crane handling purpos of cas and crates provided with runners of construction types B1 – B3, addi-tional longitudinal runners (e ill.36) or cross bars (e ill. 26) should be provided as condary runners or fastening points for ropes and cables.
Unless special transport conditions require tow ability of packaged goods (in which ca runners must be chamfered), the choice of -condary runners should favour squared cross bars.
Rope and cable fastenings battens must be shortened in relation to the length of the runners and according to the centre of gravity and resting points of the packaged goods on the bottom. With a central point of gravity and even weight distribution on the bottom, the faste-ning points should be approx. 1/5th of the runner length away from the end walls.
The opening requirement for entry of stacking machines is indepen-dent of the weight and must always measure 10 cm.
The provision of rope/cable fastening battens must not hinder forklift entry and can correspond to the dimensions in the following illustra-tion no. 33:
gross weight up to 3000 kg min.400mm
gross weight up to 10.000 kg G gross weight over 10.000 kg
max. 100 cm
800 – 1600
nach Bruttomas
Examples for curing the packaging goods (Ill.37 and 38):