An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions
are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.--wikipedia
Exchange informations. 交换信息
具体地说就是 面试人试图了解被面试人是否是他要寻找的合适人选
1. 和教授interview
2. 和招生负责人interview
3. 和工作公司interview (HR or technical manager)
1. One-to-One interview
2. Panel Interview
3. Lunch/Dinner Interview
4. Telephone/Videoconference Interview
5. MMI
6. Prentation
1. Traditional
2. Technical
3. Behavioural
4. Situational
5. Impossible
6. Illegal questions
1. 判断interview的对象
2. 判断interview的形式和内容
3. 充分了解对方
4. 推测可能出现的问题 进行思考
5. mock interview
6. 对细节的最后思考和准备
on the day of interview
after the interview
1. 和教授interview
对于申请科研式研究生的同学,经常会需要和教授interview. 教授的目的是了解一下这个学生的能力,对未来的规划, 以确定学生是否是自己研究生的合适人选.
一般来说,和教授interview往往会用电话面试的形式,偶尔有机会可能是当面一对一面试. 内容一般包括Traditional, Technical, Behavioural等问题.
和教授的interview一般相对比较随和,主要会是聊天的形式,其间夹杂一些问题. 有的时候教授可能会提前给你文章读,然后在面试时问你看法.
2. 和招生负责人interview
对于申请本科,授课式研究生和co-op等项目的同学,更多遇到的是和招生负责人面试的情况。 有的时候如果语言分数偏低,也会被要求和招生负责人面试。面试的目的一般是考察学生的综合素质以及语言能力。
这类interview也大多是电话面试形式,偶尔可能会有当面面试。 内容一般不涉及technical的问题,更多的是Traditional, Behavioural和Situational的类型。
这类面试一般更加紧张一些,面试人很可能会事先准备问题列表,一个个地按照表上的内容问下去。 可能主要的讲话者将会是你自己,某种程度上来说会造成一定心理压力。另外因为问题是事先准备的,可能在措辞上也更正式一些,对听力能力有限的同学可能会有一些挑战,这也会造成压力。
3. 和工作公司interview
-->HR Interview (screening)
-->Technical/Scientific Manager
1. One-to-One interview
这类就是最最最普通的2个人面对面的interview了 一般是问答形式或者是聊天形式
2. Panel Interview
多个面试人 一个被面试人 有被轮番轰炸的感觉。。。不过就是one-to-one的多人版本 问题的内容一般也比较普通
3. Lunch/Dinner Interview
这种我自己还没试过 据说是一边吃一边聊 大概是比较熟悉的人介绍的 而且是比较高水平的工作 (我就是怀疑这能吃下去么orz)
4. Telephone/Videoconference Interview
坏处很明显 就是不能面对面 很多non-verbal信息包括表情手势之类的看不到 而且看不到对方容易紧张 电话线路之类的会导致英语交流更加困难等等
但也有一个明显的好处 因为不是面对面 所以带notes 可以事先准备好cheat sheet
5. MMI (Mutiple Mini Interview)
这种面试比较变态, 多发生在professional school的申请上, 比如MD,DMD一类。有的大公司招新毕业生作为人才储备的也有可能有类似情况。顾名思义就是5-10个分点,每个点有1-2个问题侧重不同方向,被面试人挨个走过去回答然后各个分点打分。这种面试适合用来对付很多人而且需要量化分数的面试。
6. Prentation
这一种面试在学术界里相对多见,基本上类似于研究生开题报告。申请研究生, postdoc工作等学术界的高等工作可能会需要应付此类面试。有的时候大公司招聘人才储备也可能要求prentation。
interview分类:根据问题内容分类 (每个问题只举几个例子 sample问题列表见后)
1. Traditional
比如 why do you want this job, why do you want to go to graduate school一类的
2. Technical
这类一般来自教授或者公司technical manager,和你的专业知识以及申请的项目/工作直接相关
比如 what is the mechanism of XXX? what are different types of XXX? what do you need to consider when design XXX?
3. Behavioural
比如tell me a time when you had conflict with your co-worker and how you solved the problem
可以看出这类问题的目的是考察被面试人有没有某种能力(time management, leadership, team work等等) 但又需要被面试人用自己的经历来说明自己的能力
4. Situational
最常见的模式是 what would you
5. Impossible
比如 How many golf ball fits into a 747 aircraft?
这类问题没有绝对的对错 但会在过程中体现被面试人的思维活跃度和面对问题的思维过程
6. Illegal questions
比如 Are you married? How old are you?
1. 判断interview的对象
这个问题经常被同学们忽视。很多同学在求助问如何准备interview的时候没有说出究竟是和谁interview,一方面可能没有意识到这个问题的重要性,另一方面可能自己都不清楚。 但这是个非常重要的问题,可以直接影响到问题的内容,回答的方式和对方对你回答的期待。
申请graduate school的同学们,如果申请的是科研式的项目,那么在联系教授之后教授可能会提出要面试,那么这种面试就一定是和教授本人。或者在提交晚上申请后教授看到你的资料,认为你是不错的人选,可能自己邮件或者由学院小米邮件联系你预约面试,一般来说面试人的身份会清楚地写在邮件里。
申请非科研式项目的同学,一般授课式项目,尤其是商科项目的面试往往都是和coordinator而不是教授。没有导师的项目一般都是coordinator. MBA, coop项目等等也都会是coordinator.
申请工作的那显然就是和公司负责人了,具体是HR还是manager一般也会说明。 如果邮件中不清楚,可以到公司网站或者linkedin或者直接google姓名和公司名搜索。
2. 判断interview的形式和内容
*教授: Traditional=Technical>>Behavioural
*program coordinator:Traditional=Behavioural=Situational
*technical manager: Traditional=Technical>Behavioural
3. 充分了解对方
*program coordinator:申请项目的目标是什么,旨在培养什么样的人,项目需要申请人有哪些能力和经验,对录取者有哪些要求,学制和课程安排,毕业出路等等
*program coordinator: 学校网站
4. 推测可能出现的问题 进行思考
既然前面已经把问题分类了 也总结出了各种类型的interview喜欢问什么样子的问题 那接下来就是思考一下具体可能遇到的问题 和怎么回答了
可能遇到的问题 这个帖子里给出一个列表 仅供大家参考 很多问题会有很多变化形式 大家可以自己根据情况发散
这个部分主要说一下回答问题的时候 如何去想 往什么方向说才能更好地表现自己 下面给出的一些建议也适合文书写作
Tell me about yourlf.
Translation:Plea tell in about 5 ntences: What your background is, what experience youhave, and what your interests and hobbies are.
Why did you apply for this job?
Translation: Plea convince me that you know what you applied for, that youare really interested in it and briefly, that you believe you have the skillsand experience that makes you qualified for the job.
Tell me about your training.
Translation:Plea highlight past cours that prepared you best for this particular job.
Tell me about your previous workexperience/Do you have any relevant experience.
Translation: Plea convinceme that you have picked up uful skills or even better, have experience inthis type of work. Remember: You lab experience here at UBC is relevant.
What are your future plans?
Plea confirmthat we will be training a potential permanent employee when you work for us asa co-op student.
What do you do in your spare time?
Translation: Plea confirm that you are a well-balanced individual that getsalong well with other people through participation in team sports or groupactivities
What are your weakness?
Tip: Phra itas something you recognize as a weakness but are currently taking steps toimprove. E.g. “I need to improve my time management skills so I have purchada new PDA and have made a conscious effort to write everything down…it ishelping greatly, I am so much more productive. Translation: Plea confirm thatthere are no major reasons why we should not hire you BUT demonstrate that youare realistic about your short-comings.
What motivates you to do a good job?
Translation: Plea confirm your sincere interest and tell me a little aboutyour personality – are you lf-motivated or do you need structure. How do youmeasure your success, do you t goals etc?
What are your strengths?
Tip: U one or two academic examples and one/two personal attributes and back it up with examples. E.g. I have excellent time management skills as demonstrated by my ability to maintain an 85% average while working part time for….]
Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with someone and how you resolved it.
Tip: Set the scene briefly,they are more interested in how your resolved the conflict than
what started it. Focus on what you learned from the experience.
Give me an example of when you’ve shown initiative
what is your greatest achievement?
Do you have questions for us?
Tell me about a time when you’ve demonstrated initiative.
Describe to me a situation that you considered high pressure and how you handled it.
Tell me about a time when you’ve worked as part of a team to get something done.
Tell me about a time when you went out of your way to help someone.
Tell me about a time with you broke down a problem into solvable parts.
Describe a time when you had to deal with multiple priorities simultaneously.
Describe a time when you exercid lf-control.
Describe a time when your standard of work was higher than what was expected of you.
Tell me about a conflict you had with a co-worker/ team member/supervisor and how you handled it.
Give an example of a time when you exceeded expectations or went above and beyond the call of duty.
Give an example of a time when you helped to resolve a conflict within a team.
Tell me about a time when you were confronted with an angry customer/client.
What would you do if…You were faced with multiple priorities simultaneously?
A colleague kept interrupting you to discuss personal problems, preventing you from completing your work?
A co-worker asked you to lie for him/her?
One of your team members wasn’t pulling their weight?