Genant’s 半定量法和定量法在X线诊断老年腰椎压缩性骨折的应用
目的 研究Genant’s 半定量法和定量法在X线检查对老年腰椎压缩性骨折临床的诊断意义。方法 对笔者单位就诊的50例老年人腰椎压缩性骨折患者行X线检查,并分别用Genant’s 半定量法和定量法對对其作出诊断。结果 50例患者中,通过半定量法直接诊断的患者为42例;通过定量法直接诊断的为46例;联合两种方法后作出诊断的为47例,两种方法均未作出诊断又行CT检查者3例。结论 半定量法和定量法在X线诊断老年腰椎压缩性骨折中各有优势,联合应用两种方法能明显提高诊断的准确率。
Abstract:Objective To study the mi quantitative Genant’s method and quantitative method in X-ray examination in the diagnosis of nile lumbar vertebral compression fracture clinical significance. Methods 50 cas of elderly patients with vertebral compression fractures underwent X-ray examination of the patients were treated with Genant’s mi quantitative method and quantitative method for the diagnosis. Results 50 cas patients, diagnosis directly through the mi quantitative analysis of 42 cas of patients were directly diagnod by quantitative method; 46 cas;combined with two ki
nds of methods to make a diagnosis for 47 cas,two methods were not diagnod and CT was performed in 3 cas. Conclusion The method of mi quantitative and quantitative method in X-ray diagnosis of the elderly lumbar vertebral compression fractures in each has advantages,the accuracy of the joint application of the two methods can significantly improve the diagnosis.