Real-time quantitative RT-PCR and PCR assays for a novel European field isolate of equine infectious anaemia virus bad on quence determination of
the gag gene
期刊名称: Veterinary Record
作者: Quinlivan, M., Cook, R. F., Cullinane, A.
年份: 2007年
期号: 第18期
关键词: Equine infectious anemia virus, diagnostic techniques, nucleotide
quences, rever transcripta polymera chain reaction, polymera chain
reaction, hors
摘要:In 2006, an outbreak of equine infectious anaemia (EIA) occurred in Ireland. The initial source of the outbreak is believed to have been contaminated plasma imported from Italy. This paper prents the nucleotide quence of the gag gene
of the virus identified in Ireland (EIAV(Ire)), the first for a European strain of EIAV. Comparison of the gag gene with North American and Asian strains of the virus showed that the gag gene is less well conrved than previously believed, and that EIAV strains can have similar phenotypes despite considerable variations in genotype. On the basis of the deduced quence of the EIAV(Ire) gag gene, highly nsitive, specific and quantitative RT-PCR and PCR assays were developed, and
ud to quantify the EIAV nucleic acid in postmortem tissues, plasma and cretions
of infected hors. This is