chapter 1 conceptual framework underlying accounting (一)考试内容
1. definition of accounting
2. objectives of financial accounting
3. the qualitative characteristics of accounting information
4. the basic elements of financial statements and equations.
5. the basic accounting assumptions
1. to learn objectives of financial accounting 2. to learn the basic accounting assumptions 3. master the basic elements of financial statements andequations
4. proficiency in the qualitative characteristics o faccountinginformation.
chapter 2 the accounting information system
1. the basic terminology in collecting accounting data.
2. the double-entry system
3. the procedures of accounting cycle
1. proficency the basic terminology in collecting accountingdata.
2. understand the double-entry system
3. understand the procedures of accounting cycle chapter 3 financial reporting
1. the elements of balance sheet and how to prepare thebalance sheet
2. the elements of ine statement and how to prepare theine statement
3. the elements of the statement of cash flows
4. the five ctions of full disclosure. (二)考核目标
1. proficency the elements of balance sheet and how toprepare the balance sheet.
2. prjoficency the elements of ine statement and how toprepare the ine statement.
3. master the elements of the statement of cash flows
4. to learn the five ctions of full disclosure. chapter 4 current asts
1. the definition of cash and cash equivalents 2. the definition of receivables and classification ofreceivables.
3. the definition of account receivables, two discounts, andtwo methods ud to calculate the exchange price under cashdiscount —the gross method and the method 4. two methods to deal with un-collectible accountsreceivables —the direct write-off method and the allowancemethod
5. two methods to determine the inventory quantity —periodicinventory system and perpetual inventory system 6. master four methods available to account for the flow ofgoods from purcha to sale:
(1) specific identification, (2) first in, first out, (3) last in, first out,
(4) averaging
7. three methods to report temporary investment-- historicalcost, market value, and the lower of cost or market (二)考核目标