If we're going to be staying in this apartment, 如果我们要继续住在这里
would you be interested in doing a little redecorating? 你有没有兴趣把这里重新装修一下呢
Oh, actually, I would. 其实呢 我还真愿意
Great, what'd you have in mind? 太好了 你有什么想法吗
Let's take every single thing from the other apartment 把对面公寓的每一件东西都搬过来
and put it in here. 然后放在这里面
Well, how about we start a little smaller? 我们从小处开始着手如何
Like moving the furniture around. 比如换下家具位置
You know, I have always thought 其实我一直认为
that this couch would look fantastic 这张沙发如果放在
on the curb in front of the building. 公寓口垃圾堆 一定棒呆了
Look, we can't just throw away Penny's stuff, 我们不能就这样把佩妮的东西扔掉
but we can ask if she wants any of it back. 但我们可以问她想不想把什么东西拿过去
You know, I wonder how she feels about all this artwork. 我想知道她会不会想要回这些挂画
Well, I'm sure she miss this one. 我确定她会很想念这张画
I mean, it's the greatest gift I've ever given anybody. 这可是我此生送给别人最棒的礼物了
It truly does capture the beauty of your friendship with Penny. 这画的确捕捉到了你与佩妮友情的美好
It may have appreciated in value. 而且这画可能还涨价了呢
The artist killed himlf shortly after painting that. 画完这画之后 那个画家就自杀了呢
Yeah, it ems only right that she have it back. 这画不让她拿回去太说不过去了
I can't wait to e the look on her face 我都等不及看到她
when I give it to her again. 再度收到这画时的表情了
Look, it's the same smile she has in the painting. 你看 跟画上一模一样的笑容呢
Yeah-- there's hooks in the clot, 衣柜里有挂钩
I can hang it right now. 我现在就能帮你挂起来
Oh, no, no, Th-tho hooks are gone. 不用了 那些挂钩都不在了
What happened to them? 怎么就不在了
Uh, we ran out of candy on Halloween, 万圣节家里没糖果了
I was just giving everything away. 我就把各种东西拿来送了
Hey, guys, what ? 你们俩怎么来...
Oh, that's here, cool. 送这玩意儿来了 棒
Amy wants me to have it. 艾米想要我留着
Well, it would be lfish of me to keep it. 如果我自己留着 那就太自私了
B-But it's a picture of you. 但这画里有你
And you. 也有你
But you commissioned it. 但是你请人画的
To give to you. 画来送你
But you like it so much. 但你这么爱它
So do you. 你也爱它啊
I em to be losing. 我节节败退啊
Yes, you do. 没错 的确是
You know, Leonard, the more I think about it, 莱纳德 我仔细想想之后想到
there are a number of mutually owned items in this apartment 这公寓里有好多我们共同拥有的东西啊
that you and I should go through. 我们应该来过一遍所有权
Uh, 比如说
who gets our beloved sword, Longclaw? 这把我们珍爱的《冰与火之歌》长爪宝剑
Why don't you keep it? 要不你拿去吧
That ems fair; we did just give you the painting. 这挺合理 毕竟我们刚把画让给你们了
Yeah, I don't need anything around that I can stab mylf with. 家里不用留任何能让我切腹自尽的物品
Wonderful, Longclaw is mine. 太好了 长爪剑是我的啦
And how about you 那要不你留下我们的...
avocado plant? 牛油果盆栽
Sounds right-- a limited edition collectible 很合理啊 一把价值几百美元的
worth hundreds of dollars 限量版收藏品
and a thing that grew out of a thing we fished from the trash. 换从垃圾堆里捡来的破烂长出的所得物
Although, Amy and I did just move in together, 不过... 我跟艾米刚搬入新窝
and a plant is a lovely houwarming gift. 一盆植物是很好的新居礼物呢
Fine, take the plant. 行 你把植物也拿走吧
Oh, we got a sword and a plant; 我们有剑又有植物
our apartment's really shaping up. 咱们的小窝渐渐成型啦
Stuart, you didn't have to get us a baby gift. 斯图尔特 你不用送我们怀孕礼物啦
Just homemade coupons for things you might need help with 就只是一些自制的兑换劵 上面有一些
before the baby gets here. 宝宝生下来前你可能需要帮忙的事
Going to the grocery store, driving you to the doctor. 帮忙去超市买菜 开车载你去看医生
If you're not in a hurry, I can dig you a koi pond. 如果不着急 我可以帮忙你挖个锦鲤池
A foot massage? 还有脚底按摩吗
And that's not me being creepy, that's for either of you. 这不是我在耍变态 你们俩谁用都行
This is very nice, Stuart, thank you. 你人真好 谢谢你 斯图尔特
How come this one's on the back of an eviction notice? 为什么兑换劵是写在一张驱逐令的后面
Oh, yeah. Uh, now that you 是啊 既然你刚好提到这事情...
can I live here? 我能住在这里吗
Stuart, we'd love to help you out, 斯图尔特 我们很乐意帮忙你
but this a bad time; we're about to have a baby. 但现在真的不合适 我们马上要有孩子了
Or is that why this is a great time? 但也正因为如此 所以是好时候啊
Think about it-- when that baby comes, 你们想想 孩子生下来以后
you're gonna need all the help you can get. 你们会非常需要人手帮忙
Thank you, 谢谢
but I'm not really sure. 但还是别了吧...
Hang on, maybe it's not the worst idea. 等等 或许这主意也不是那么糟
I mean, he did do a good job taking care of my mother. 毕竟他当时照顾我妈的时候也做得很好啊
That woman didn't get heat rash once 打从由我负责撒爽身粉
with me on powder patrol. 她再也没长过疹子
I guess you could stay for a few days 那要不先让你住几天
and we'll e how it goes. 我们看看再说吧
Thank you. 谢谢
And it's only temporary, 只是暂时借住而已