taken within
the last 6 months
(3.5 x 4.5 cm)
(3.5 x 4.5 厘米)
Plea Indicate Type of Visa Requested
Diplomatic Visa 外交签证
Official Visa 公务签证
Courtesy Visa 礼遇签证
Non-Immigrant Visa 非移民签证
Tourist Visa 旅游签证
Transit Visa 过境签证
Number of Entries Requested _____
Royal Thai Consulate-General in Chengdu
In English and block letter (必须用大写英文字母填写)
Mr. Mrs. Miss
先生 女士 小姐 First Name名 Middle Name中间名 Family Name 姓
Former Name(if any)曾用名(若有)
Nationality at Birth 出生国
Birth Place出生地
Date of Birth 出生日期
Type of Travel Document所持旅游证件
No.号码 Issued at 签发地
Date of Issue 签发日期 Expiry Date 有效期至
Occupation (specify prent position and name of employer)
Current Address 现今地址
Tel. 电话 E-mail 电子邮件
Permanent Address (if different from above)
Names, dates and places of birth of minor children (if accompanying)
Date of Arrival in Thailand抵达泰国日期
Duration of Propod Stay 拟停留时间
Date of Previous Visit to Thailand 上一次去泰国日期
Traveling by 乘坐的交通工具
Flight No. or Vesl’s name航班号或船名
Name and Address of Local Guarantor 本地担保人的姓名和地址
Tel./Fax. 电话/传真
Name and Address of Guarantor in Thailand泰国担保人的姓名和地址
Tel./Fax. 电话/传真
I hereby declare that I will not request any refund from
my paid visa fee even if my application has been declined我在此声明:即使签证申请没有通过,我也不会要求退还签证费。
Signature签名 Date日期
Attention for Tourist and Transit Visas Applicants
I hereby declare that the purpo of my visit to Thailand is for pleasure or transit only and that in no ca shall I engage mylf in any profession or occupation while in the country.
Signature 签名 Date 日期
FOR OFFICIAL USE mfavisaform10092007
Application/Reference No.
Visa No.
Type of Visa:
Diplomatic Visa Official Visa Courtesy Visa
Non-Immigrant Visa Tourist Visa Transit Visa
Category of Visa:
Number of Entries:
Single Double Multiple Entries
Date of Issue Fee
Expiry Date
Documents Submitted
Authorized Signature and Seal
Purpo of Visit访问目的: Tourism 旅游 Transit 过境
Business 商务 Diplomatic/Official 外交/公务
Other (plea specify) 其他(请详细填写)
Countries for which travel document is valid 证件在哪些国家有效
Propod Address in Thailand在泰国的地址