印 刷 术 语 | |||
字崩 | Missing text | 墨层&墨膜 | Ink layer& ink film |
尺寸不符 | Dimensions incorrect | 墨雾 | Ink mist |
墨点&墨斑 | Ink speck | 调墨 | Ink mixing |
堆墨 | Ink piling | 油墨拉毛 | Ink picks |
水墨平稳 | Ink-water balance | 墨流控制 | Ink flow control |
套拼不正 | Poor registration | 脱墨 | Deink |
版面脏渍未消干凈 | Dirt& contamination | 哑色 | Color matt& too dull |
粘花 | Inks picks | 着墨&上墨 | Inking-up |
色偏 | Color variation | 暗晕 | Dark halo |
套印不正 | Poor registration | 引发剂 | Initiator |
线条变粗&油墨滋幵 | Ink creeping | 润湿变形&润湿变形伸长率 | Damping stretch |
油墨遮盖力 | Ink coverage | 网点拉长 | Drag |
渗墨&吸墨 | Inkbleeding&ink penetration | 迭印/合成晒印 | Double print |
水干 | Dry plate | 密度计 | Densimeter& densitometer |
水大 | Wet plate | 纸张静电消除 | Destaticizing of paper |
刮花&拖花 | Scratch | 膨胀色/扩张色 | Expansive color |
静电丝网印刷 | ESSP(electrostastic screen stencil printing) | 迭印 | Trapping& superiposition& superipo |
喷粉花 | Excess powder | 应力值 | Magnitude of stress |
针位不一致 | Datum line not constant | 暗色/哑色 | Dull color& matt color |
滴油 | Oil smear | 网面 | Wireside |
滴水 | Waterspot | 毯面 | Feltside |
墨屎 | Ink spot | 擦脏/背面蹭脏 | Smear |
鬼影 | Ghost image& ghosting | 白页 | Blank page |
重影 | Doubling | 曙红/酸性曙红 | Eosine |
印油不良 | Poor vanishing | 掉粉/掉毛 | Dry linting |
墨皮 | Ink skin | 防粘脏喷粉器 | Dry spray |
透印 | Strike-through& print through& show through | 防粘脏喷粉器装置 | Dry spray anti-t-off equipment |
墨杠&杠纹 | Roller mark | 喷粉 | Dry spraying |
印刷条纹&油纹 | Streak | 干式剥膜 | Dry stripping |
飞墨&溅墨 | Ink fly | 网点密度 | DS(density of screen) |
着墨性能 | Ink holdout | 双网点 | Dual dot |
着墨辊 | Inking roller& inker | 韧性/粘性 | Ductility& adhesiveness |
喷墨印刷 | Ink-jet printing | 墨层掉落(脱墨) | Rubbing of & flake off |
纸面掉粉(掉毛) | Surface picking | 变色、脱色 | Discoloration& fading |
双印重影/点子拉长 | Doubling | 两次晒版 | Double printing |
挥发干燥 | Evaporation drying | 左页/偶数页 | Even folio& even page |
表面色调 | Surface tinted | 污点、污斑 | Smudge |
小故障、失灵 | Glitch | 油迹、污点 | Smear |
条纹、条痕、拖影 | Streak | 刻痕、缺口 | Nick |
全息图 | Hologram | 脱墨、空白点 | Void |
全息印刷 | Holographic | 示意图 | Rough sketch |
柔和 | Delicacy | 网点效应 | Grid effect |
增稠计 | Densifier | 曝光灯 | Exposing lamp |
饱和的 | Saturated | 饱和溶液 | Saturated solution |
饱和色 | Saturate color | 饱和容积 | Saturated volume |
饱和度 | Saturation | 实地 | Solid |
网面 | Wire side | 颜料 | Pigment |
改版 | Form correcting | 印版 | Forme |
着水辊 | Form dampening roller& forme-damping roller | 油墨白化、水连结料置换碾墨法 | Flushing |
切版机 | Forme cutter | 印版台 | Forme-bed |
上墨辊、着墨辊 | Forme inking roller& forme roller | 印版润湿过度、输墨过多 | Flooding |
拼版后的打样 | Forme proof | 荧光印刷 | Fluorescent printing |
折页三角板 | Former board | 油墨过多 | Flood |
底色 | Flushed colors& ba color | 糊版、渗油 | Greasing |
飞墨 | Flying & flying ink | 底色墨 | Ground ink |
纸张反面印刷 | Back printing | 色调不良 | Bad color |
反面印 | Back-up run | 套不准 | Bad register、bad lay |
回水 | Back water | 套印性能不良 | Bad trapping |
回水泵 | Back water pump | 原稿不清 | Bad copy |
回水槽 | Back water tank | 橡皮布 | Blanket |
橡皮布夹条 | Blanket bar | 橡皮布除粘粉 | Blanket dust |
橡皮布夹板 | Blanket clamp | 橡皮布起鼓包 | Blanket embossing |
橡皮布错动 | Blanket creep | 橡皮布包衬 | Blanket packing |
胶印滚筒 | Blanket cylinder | 串色 | Bleed back |
印刷模糊不清、纸张的云斑状 | Cloudiness | 瞎版、平版不受墨图象 | Blind image |
墨膜起泡、橡皮布起泡、纸张起泡 | Blistering | 耐蚀膜起泡、感光膜起泡、纸张起泡 | Blister |
润湿过度着墨不良 | Blinding | 模糊、重影 | Blur& Slurring |
白化(油墨) | Blushing | 链形网点 | Chain-dot |
油墨粉化 | Chalking | (印刷墨迹)粉化 | Chalking on paper |
精细套印 | Clo register | 图象模糊、无光泽 | Clounding |
盲点、不着墨、盲版 | Blind | 双墨印刷法 | Split Fountain Printing |
塞路洛纸印刷 | Cellophone | 塑料胶卷印刷 | Plastic Film |
磁性印刷(MICR) | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition | 浮出印刷(凸字粉印刷) | Thermography |
墨辊脱墨、不均匀图象 | Stripping | 胶印墨色标准SWOP | Specifications for Web Offt Publications |
网点扩大 | Dot Gain | 曲线模式 | Curves |
凸版印刷 | Relief Printing | 活版印刷 | Letter press |
橡胶版印刷 | Flexography | 胶纸 | Larbo Tissue |
柯式印刷法 | Offt Printing | 凹版印刷 | Intaglio Printing |
照相凹版 | Photogravure | 孔版印刷 | Stencil Printing |
丝网印刷 | Screen Printing | 外缘带 | Marginal Zone |
透印 | Strike-through | 浮雕印刷 | Relief |
油墨结皮、起皮 | Skinning | 十字线 | Crossline |
快干油墨 | Easy-drying ink | 调墨助剂、调墨油 | compound |
硬橡胶 | Ebonite | 横向打孔 | Cross perforating |
硬橡胶辊 | Ebonite blanket | 参见、相互对照 | Cross reference |
膨胀的橡胶布 | Embosd blanket | 固化剂 | Curing agent |
前进色、突出的颜色 | Advancing color | 喷雾装、气刷、喷笔 | Air brush |
纲纹、传墨辊、网纹辘 | Anilox roller | 防粘脏喷雾、防反印粘喷雾器 | Anti-toff spray |
光圈、口径 | Aperture | 涂盖、退地 | Blocking out |
堵墨、滞墨现象 | Backing away | 着墨孔 | Cells |
橡皮滚筒对橡皮滚筒式 | B-B type | 十字规矩线 | Crossline register mark&crossmark |
密度范围 | Density range | 水辊 | Dampender roller |
显示器 | Display unit | 数字印刷机 | |
串墨辊、匀墨辊 | Distributing roller | 数字彩色胶印机 | Digital offt color press |
墨鼓 | Drum | 传墨辊 | Distrutor& ink transfer roller |
输纸装置 | Feeder unit | 扩印、放大相片 | Enlarging print |
环状白斑、墨皮斑、白环、墨屑 | Hickies | 咬纸牙 | Gripper |
实地版 | Solid plate | 热转印 | Heat transfer |
承印物料 | Substrate | 专色 | Spot color |
双面印:正反印 | Work-and-back | 湿迭湿印刷 | Wet-on-wet printing |
翻转式:牙口反转 | Work-and-tumble | 扭转式:转纸连印 | Work-and-twist |
聚合物高密度交联结合 | Crosslinked | 干后变淡(油墨干后颜色变淡) | Dry dark |
抗汗性 | Stainresistance | 抗磨损 | Abrasionresistance |
抗溶剂 | Solventresistance | 干固设备(UV印刷) | Curingunit |
烘焙处理 | Post-Baking | 色序 | Color quence |
减粘剂 | Ear | 复印机 | Duplicator |
每小时印数 | Iph(impression per hour) | 复制回菲林 | Duplicating film |
网点密度 | Intergrated half-tone density | 坚韧性 | Toughness |
网点百分率 | Percentage dot area | 油墨粘度计 | Inkometer |
油墨牵力 | Ink trapping | 不褪色度 | Fastness |
红外线固化 | Infra-red curing | 耐亮度 | Light fastness |
红外线 | Infra-red ray | 冲淡剂 | Extander |
装版 | Imposing | 粘度 | Tack |
吻压(印刷时印版与纸张接触的最佳压力,全部油墨的均匀转移) | Kiss impression | ||
墨条痕 | Gear mark& streak | 网点增大 | Dot-gain |
白点 | Speckle& white flake | 印刷机 | Printing press |
凸版印刷机 | Relief printing press | 印刷压力 | Impressional pressure |
平版印刷机 | Planographic press | 平压平印刷机 | Platen press |
凹版印刷机 | Intaglio printing process | 卷筒纸印刷机 | Roll-fed printing press |
丝网印刷机 | Screen-process printing process | 单张纸印刷机 | Sheet-fed printing press |
圆压平印刷机 | Flat-bed cylinder press | 双面单色印刷机 | Perfecting printing press |
圆压圆印刷机 | Rotary printing press | 双面多色印刷机 | Multicolor perfecting press |
单色印刷机 | Single-color printing press | 单张纸给纸系统 | Feeding system |
双色印刷机 | Two-color printing press | 自动给纸机 | Feeder automatic |
多色印刷机 | Multicolor printing press | 堆纸台 | Stock table |
输纸装置 | Sheet conveying device | 版台 | Bed plate& forme-bed |
前规 | Front guide | 侧规 | Side guide |
横转式:自反印 | Work-and-turn | 空白部份起脏 | Catch-up |
印 后 加 工 术 语 | |||
吸湿不稳定 | Hygro-instability | 表面上胶 | Surface sizing |
过油粘花 | Inks pick | 吸塑不良 | Poor heat-al |
裱后弯曲 | warping | 过错油 | Wrong coating |
短坑 | Flute paper to short | 磨光粘花 | Calendar picks& blocking |
甩坑 | Wrong flute | 甩UV | UV come off |
裱坑针位不一致 | Datum line not constant | 对裱裂幵 | Delamination |
爆线 | Scoring cracked& split score | 胶水痕 | Glue mark &Adhesive streak |
啤走位 | Position off | 爆坑 | Poor glue joint |
啤不穿 | Die-cut too light & rough edge | 裱后伸长 | Paper elongation |
扭线 | Fal scoring | 压线不良 | Poor scoring |
除湿 | Dehumidify | 误差值/误差大小 | Magnitude of error |
拿错木样 | Wrong model | 脱水 | Evaporating |
刀线变形 | Scoring shaping | 表面处理 | Surface treatment& surface application&surface laminating |
粘口脱离 | Poor glue joint | 护封 | Dust cover |
粘位不正 | Out of glue alignment& misalignment | 揩金/撒粉/上粉 | Dusting |
胶片不符 | Incorrect window film | 防尘 | Dust-proof |
扣底爆线 | Cracked fold | 无尘的 | Dust-free |
胶水位溢胶 | Excess glue position | 防尘的 | Dust-tight |
腐蚀铜板 | Etched copper-plate | 错页/页码错乱 | Erratic pages &erratic pagination |
腐蚀过的凹版滚筒 | Etched gravure cylinder | 均匀分布 | Even distribution |
烫金 | Die-stamping bronze | 裱咭机、裱纸板机 | Board liner |
模版/印模 | Die plate | 切斜 | Skew |
钢印 | Die stamper | 啤穿 | Cut-through |
模切/冲切 | Die-sinking | 击凹 | Debossing |
鱼胶 | Etching glue | 击凸 | Embossing |
静电丝网印刷 | ESSP (electrostastic screen stencil printing ) | 配制、冷加工 | Fabricate |
腐蚀铜板 | Etched copper-plate | 爆边 | Edge-tear |
腐蚀过的凹版滚筒 | Etched gravure cylinder | 对不准 | Misalign |
水油 | Water-bad varnish | 凹痕 | Indentation |
吸塑油 | Blister varnish | 啤刀 | Cutting tool |
光油 | Varnish oil | 定位塑料条 | Locating plastic strip |
裱咭 | Board laminating | 强力底胶片 | Brute mightly bottom film |
裱坑 | Flute lamination | 压痕模槽宽 | Width of creasing matrix |
压痕线(压线) | Creasing round edge | 压模痕厚度 | Thickness of creasing matrix |
刀线 | Die-cut line | 压痕底模 | Creasing bottom die |
制袋-装填-封口包装机 | Form-fill-al-machine | 保护胶贴 | Protection gum paste |
成型-装填-封口包装机 | Form-fill-al-pouches | 压纹机 | Embossing calendaring machine |
上胶机 | Gumming machine | 涂胶条杠 | Gum streak |
脱膜、脱胶 | Gumming out | 上胶、涂胶 | Gumming& gumming up |
上胶纸 | Gumming paper | 上胶辊 | Gumming roller |
脚线、底线 | Foot rule | 起泡 | Foaming |
通风 | Blast | 粘合剂 | Bonding agent& cement |
粘合力 | Bonding capacity | 胶粘强度 | Bonding strength |
堵眼(丝印故障) | Clogging | 粘贴、上浆 | Pasting |
压光皱折(纸病) | Calender crea | 凹凸版 | Embossing plate |
压光压裂(纸病) | Calerder crushed | 退化 | Dwindle |
压光痕 | Calender mark | 压印凸版 | Embossing forme |
随机现象 | Chance phenomernon | 撒粉、 上粉、擦金粉 | Dusting |
局部UV | Spot UV | 凸UV | Thick UV |
光PP | Glossy PP | 闪粉 | Glitter |
短坑 | Flute paper too short | 坑纹方向错 | Wrong flute direction |
爆线、裂线、裂开 | Split score | 啤走位 | Position off |
纸张伸长 | Paper elongation | 啤线轻 | Die-cut too slight |
抽湿 | Dehumidification | 滚金口 | Gilt-edging |
蘸花口 | Marble-edging | 打排孔 | Perforating |
分切 | Slitting | 水油 | Water-bad coating |
粘角 | Corner gluing | 吸塑油 | Heat-aled coating |
扣底 | Bottom-lock | 甩UV | UV flake-off |
UV变色 | UV fading | UV爆色 | UV cracked |
UV固化不良 | Insufficient curing | 耐磨性不好 | Poor abrasion |
附着性不好 | Insufficient adhesiveness | UV灯功率不够 | UV lamp is Insufficient power&UV lamp short of power |
半哑光 | Satin | 哑色 | Matt |
封盖机 | Capping machine | 硬纸板封面 | Cardboard cover |
纸 张 术 语 | |||
基线 | Datum lines | (纸的)擦除性 | Erasability & erasure |
弯曲度 | Degree of curvature | 纸屑 | Paper dust& fluff |
透明度 | Degree of clarity | 脱水 | Evaporating |
分散度 | Degree of dispersion | 均匀性 | Evenness |
硬度 | Degree of hardness | 压力过大 | Excessive Pressure |
湿度 | Degree of humidity | 过度曝光 | Excessive exposure |
饱和度 | Degree of saturation | 膨胀 | Expansion |
脱水作用 | Dehydration& dewatering | 纸张的伸缩 | Paper’s contraction |
纸张收缩度 | Paper shrinkage | 纸张的伸长率 | Paper stretch |
纸的擦除性 | Eras ability& erasure | 伸长系数 | Extension modulus |
平衡状态 | Equilibrium | 胀缩测试仪 | Expansive and shrinkage tester |
纸张的直丝绺(顺丝绺) | Long direction& grain direction | 纸张的横丝绺 | Across the grain& grain-short direction |
蒸发 | Evaporation | 横纹绺(逆纹、横纹) | Across the grain |
纸张加工 | Paper converting | 纸张撕裂 | Snatching |
吸湿性 | Hygroscopic& hygroscopicity | 织物 | Fabric |
挺度 | Stiffness | 纸张纤维 | Paper fibre |
湿度计 | Hygrometer | 纵向收缩 | Vertical contraction |
吸湿膨胀性 | Hygro-expansivity | 毯面 | Felt side |
均匀性 | Evenness | 纵断面 | A vertical ction |
过度曝光 | Excess exposure | 纵度 | Vertical range |
蒸发 | Evaporation | 渗透速度 | Velocity of permeability |
均匀分布 | Even distribution | 除湿作用 | Dehumidification |
膨胀色、扩张色 | Expansive color | 紧密的、密实的 | Void free |
胀缩测试仪 | Expansion and shrinkage tester | 孔隙比 | Void ratio |
比破强度 | Burst factor | 基重 | Basic weight |
吸水度 | Cobb size | 爆破强度 | Burst strength |
含水分 | Moisture content | 引裂强度 | Tear strength |
环压 | Ring crush (RCT) | 裂断长 | Break length |
平压 | Concora (flat crush&SCT) | 平滑度 | Smoothness |
边压强度 | Edgewi compressive strength &RCT | 吸水性 | Water absorption& water absorptiveness of sized |
不透光度 | Opacity | 耐折度 | Fold &MD,CD |
表面强度 | Surface strength | 光亮度 | Brightness |
标准蜡棒 | Dension wax | 膨胀性能 | Expansiveness |
间隙长度 | Gap length | 膨胀性 | Expansivity |
弱胶纸 | Soft sized paper | 糙面(粘结)效应 | Anchoring effect |
高上胶纸 | Hard sized paper | 压纹效应 | Grain effect |
纤维长度 | Fiber length | 吸湿作用 | Hygroscopic effect |
拉丝长度 | Length of string | 滞后效应 | Hysteresis effect |
纵向的、纵长的 | Lengthways | 冲击裂断长 | Punching breaking length |
纵向 | Portrait | 渗透深度 | Length of penetration |
吸附作用 | Attract effect | 爆破深度 | Length of shot |
粘合作用 | Adhesive effect | 垂直长度 | Length of perpendiculars |
纸张起毛 | Splitting& fluffing | 反作用 | Adver effect |
起毛的纸 | Fluffy | 荧光纸 | Fluorescent paper |
纸张的弹性变形 | Rheology of paper | 引力作用 | Attractive effect |
轴向的 | Axial | 固着效果 | Anchor effect |
纸层的不均匀 | Hungry | 对比效应 | Contrast effect |
纸张上胶 | Paper sizing | 交叉(横向)弹性效应 | Cross elastic effect |
纸张干燥器 | Paper dryer | 长度的、纵长的 | Longitudinal |
纸页的长边 | Long direction of sheet | 纸垫衬、纸包衬 | Paper dressing |
纸边撕裂力 | Edge tearing resistance | 纸坯、原纸 | Ba stock& raw paper |
响度 | Rattle | 瓦楞纸 | Fluting paper |
灰雾度 | Fog density | 纸张纹理 | Paper grain & formation |
耐折强度 | Folding endurance | 纸张毛孔 | Paper pore |
耐折度测试仪 | Folding endurance tester | 纸张纹向 | Grain of paper |
耐折性能 | Folding guality& folding resistance | 起楞、起横纹(纸病)、盘车 | Barring |
耐折度 | Folding number& folding strengty | 黑点(纸病) | Black spot |
纸袋衬里纸 | Bag liner | 刮刀伤痕 | Blade cut& blade scratch |
打包纸 | Baling paper | 漂白牛皮纸 | Bleached kraft paper |
纸边裁切 | Bleed | 漂白牛皮纸浆 | Bleached kraft pulp |
纸张起泡 | Blister & blistering | 泡痕(纸病) | Blow mark |
压光痕 | Calender marking &marks | 纸板的厚度 | Caliper |
玻璃纸 | Cellophane& cellophane paper | 透明膜 | Cellophane foil |
瓦楞纸板 | Cellular board | 纸张的直角性 | Squaring |
纸线的挤外性 | Shingling of Paper | 聚合脂胶纸 | Polyester |
醋酸纤维纸 | Acetate | 压纹板 | Grain board |
纸张撕裂 | Snatching | 纸张夹 | Paper clamp |
纸张拔毛 | Pick | 抗粘性、抗拉毛 | Picking resistance |
纸张砑光机 | Paper machine glazer | 抗起毛纸 | Pick resistant paper |
压花纹 | Pebbling&pebble finish | 晾纸 | Paper conditioning |
纸垫衬纸、纸包衬 | Paper dressing | 晾纸车间 | Paper conditioning plant |
卷筒纸 | Paper roll | 晾纸装置 | Paper-hanging device |
纸封面 | Paper cover | 印版裂纹、纸张裂纹 | Cracking |
切纸机 | Paper cutter | 纸张折迭机 | Cardboard folding machine |
纸质布 | Paper cloth | 走纸速度 | Paper speed |
纸盒衬纸 | Carton liner paper | 碎纸机 | Paper shredder |
纸张卷边 | Curl | 钞票纸 | Currency paper |
纸张的滞变现象 | Hysterisis of paper | 牛皮纸 | Kraft paper |
铜版纸、涂料纸 | Coated art paper | 证券纸 | Bond paper |
高级书写纸 | Bank paper | 抛光涂料纸 | Cast-coated paper |
原纸版、卡纸、厚咭 | Card-board | 单面粉咭(单粉咭) | C1S&1/s artboard (one side coated artboard) |
3孔铁夹 | 3-hole binder | 双面粉咭(双粉咭) | C2S&2/S artboard (two sides coated artboard) |
粉咭 | Artboard | 灰板 | Greyboard |
粉纸(双粉纸) | Artpaper | 啡牛皮纸 | Brown kraft paper |
纸板 | Board | 白牛皮纸 | White kraft paer |
铝箔纸 | Foil paper | 特种纸 | Special paper |
金纸 | Hot stamping (foil) paper | 书纸 | Woodfree |
切纸机 | Guillotine | 新闻纸 | Newsprint |
充粉纸 | Mechanical art paper | 账簿纸 | Azure laid paper |
布纹纸 | Cambric board&crash finish paper& linen finish paper&wove paper | 吸水纸 | Blotting paper&absorbent paper |
卡片纸 | Ivory board | 圣经纸 | Bible paper |
双面咭纸 | Bristol board | 有色打字纸 | Color manifod paper |
木纹纸 | Woodgrained paper | 防油纸 | Grea-proof paper |
广告纸 | Poster paper | 毛边 | Deckle paper |
合成纸 | Yupo-paper | 哑粉纸 | Matt art paper |
仿古纸 | Antique paper | 羊皮纸 | Parchment |
光面纸 | Machine glazed (MG)paper | 压花咭 | Enamel board |
正面 | Top side | 去皮 | Debarking |
光面粉纸 | Enamel-finish paper | 包装纸 | Wrapping paper |
米纸 | Rice paper | 轻磅粉纸 | Light weight coated paper |
起皱纸边(纸张边缘过程中引起的皱边) | Grainy edge | 双面纸 | Duplex paper |
充皮纸 | Leatherette paper | 劣质画纸 | Cartridge paper |
图纸 | Plotting paper | 玻璃纸 | Cellophane paper |
绝缘纸 | Insulated paper | 描图纸 | Tracing paper |
绘图纸 | Drawing paper | 蜡纸 | Waxed paper |
卷边纸 | Curl edge paper | 浪形纸边、波状纸边 | Wavy edge |
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