Penetration of ultraviolet radiation in the marine
environment. A review.
期刊名称: Photochemistry & Photobiology
作者: Marc Tedetti,Richard Sempéré
年份: 2010年
期号: 第2期
关键词: Phytoplankton;Ultraviolet Rays;Seawater;Do-Respon Relationship, Radiation;Ecosystem;Temperature;Oceans and Seas;Organic
Chemicals;Geography;DNA Damage
摘要:UV radiation (UVR) is a significant ecological factor in the marine environment that can have important effects on planktonic organisms and dissolved organic matter (DOM). The penetration of UV
R into the water column is likely to change in the near future due to interactions between global warming and ozone depletion. In this study we report underwater instruments employed for the measurement of UVR and we review data dealing with the depth of UVR penetration in different oceanic areas including the open ocean, Antarctic waters and coastal waters. We provide the 10% irradiance depth (Z10%) for UV-A and UV-B as well as for DNA damage effective do (DNA), which we calculated from the values of diffu attenuation coefficients or vertical profiles reported in the literature. We obrve a clear distinction between open ocean (high Z10%, no...