北京新东⽅方 ⾦金凌虹
vt. 使习惯
n⏹Accustom onelf/sb/sth to sth使⾃自⼰己等习惯於某事物:
n⏹Be accustomed to sth. 习惯於某事物
ed [attrib 作定语] 通常的; 惯常的
n⏹Alienate sb (from sb/sth)使某⼈人疏远或冷淡; 离间某⼈人
n⏹Transfer the ownership of (property)
from one person to another 转让(财产)所有权; 让渡. (law 律)
○3Allegiance ['li:dns]
n.忠诚, 效忠
n⏹Allegiance (to sb/sth) :support of or loyalty to a
government, ruler, cau, etc
(对政府﹑ 统治者﹑ 事业等的)拥护, 忠诚
n.猿 vt.模仿
n⏹Any of the four (usu tailless) primates
(gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-utan, gibbon) most cloly
related to man 猿(通常指⽆无尾猿, ⼤大猩猩﹑ ⿊黑猩猩﹑ 猩猩
n⏹Go ape (sl俚) start behaving crazily 变得狂热; 发疯似的.
n⏹Imitate (sb/sth)学(某⼈人[某事物])的样; 模仿.
n⏹Archaeological / kldkl/ adj考古学的; 与考古学有关的
n⏹Archaeologist / kldst / n expert in archaeology 考古学家.
n.保释, 杓,把⼿手,保证⾦金, 担保⼈人
vt.保释, 往外舀⽔水, 使摆脱困境
n⏹n. Money paid by or for a person accud of a crime保释⾦金.
n⏹n. Permission for a person to be relead on such curity 准许保释
n⏹v. bail sb out (a) obtain or allow the relea of sb on bail 保释某⼈人.
n⏹v. bail (out)/sth (out) throw (water) out of a boat with buckets, etc; clear (a boat) in this way ⽤用桶将(⽔水)从船内舀出; 以这种⽅方式给(船)清除积⽔水
○7Blog [ blg ]
n.博客, ⺴⽹网络随笔,⽇日志
n⏹ A type of DIARY on a WEB SITE that is changed
regularly, to give the latest news.
n. 植物学, 植物
n⏹Botanical[btnkl]adj植物学的; 与植物学有关的.
n⏹Botanist [btnst]n植物学家.
n⏹Botanize[btnaz]v研究﹑ 采集野⽣生植物.
vi.发出嗡嗡声;忙乱 n.嗡嗡声(嘈杂)
○10Censorship ['nsip]
n. 审查员(或检查员)的职位;
n⏹The process of removing parts of books, movies, letters,
etc. that are considered inappropriate for moral,
religious, or political reasons 因为某些道德、宗教、政治原
n⏹Censor [ns] v.检查(书报)
○11Comet [kmit]
n⏹ A comet is a bright object with a long tail
that travels around the sun.
n⏹(of a dia) spreading by contact (指疾病)(接)触(传)染的
n⏹Spreading easily fr弘扬爱国精神
om one person to another 容易感染他⼈人的; 感染性的:
○13Converge [knv:d]
n⏹Converge (on sb/sth); ~ (at sth)(指线条﹑运动物体等)会於⼀一点; 聚集
n⏹(tend to) become similar or identical (趋於)相似或相同
n⏹Person who has done sth wrong; offender 犯过者; 犯罪者
n⏹ A fact or situation that is the reason
for something bad happening 起因,原因
n⏹Frighten 使(某⼈人)⽓气馁; 威吓
n⏹Nothing daunted (fml or joc ⽂文或谑)毫⽆无惧⾊色; 毫不⽓气馁
n⏹Daunting adj discouraging; frightening 使⼈人⽓气馁的; 吓⼈人的
n⏹Dauntless adj勇敢的; ⽆无畏的
○16Debut [deibju:]
n⏹n. first appearance in public as a performer (on stage, etc)
n.违约;弃权;预设 vi.不履⾏行义务,拖⽋欠
n⏹n.(esp law 尤⽤用於法律) failure to do sth, esp to pay a debt or appear in court 不做某事; (尤指)不还债, 不出庭.
n⏹In default of sth/sb (fml ⽂文) becau or in ca sth/sb is abnt 因某物[某⼈人]未在场; 在⽆无某物[某⼈人]时
n⏹v.Fail to do what one is suppod to do (eg to appear in a lawcourt) 未做应做的事(如出庭); 不履⾏行; 不到场; 不出庭:
n⏹Default (on sth) fail to pay (a debt, etc)未付(债等):
n⏹Defaulter:person who defaults
不履⾏行职责者; 未到场者; 不出庭者; 未付款者.
vt.推迟,拖延 vi.(to)遵从,听从,服从
n⏹Defer sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth
使(某事)延期; 推迟
n⏹Deferred shares延期付息股份
n⏹Defer to sb/sth give way to sb or sb's wishes,
judgement, etc, usu out of respect
服从某⼈人的意愿﹑ 判断等; (通常为)遵从
vt. 悲叹, 谴责, 对 ... 深感遗憾
n⏹Be shocked or offended by (sth); condemn 被(某事物)震惊或触犯; 谴责:
n⏹Feel sorrow or regret about (sth) 对(某事物)感到悲伤或悔恨.
n⏹Deplorable [dplrbl] adj that is, or should be, condemned
○20Diabetes [daibi:ti:z]
n⏹Diabetes is a medical condition
in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.
n.恐⻰龙 n.(俚)过时、落伍的⼈人或事物
n⏹ A type of reptile which stopped existing
about 60 000 000 years ago.
n⏹An old-fashioned person or thing
that people no longer consider to be
○22Dioxide [daiksaid]
○23Embryo ['embriu]
n. 胚胎, 萌芽
n⏹Young animal or plant in the early stages.胚; 胚胎; 萌芽时期
n⏹Plan, scheme, etc in its very early stages 初步的计划﹑ ⽅方案等
n⏹In embryo已存在但尚未发展的
n⏹Embryology [embrld]胚胎学
n⏹Embryologist [embrldst]胚胎学家.
n⏹Embryonic[embrnk]adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]
in an early stage of development 在发育的最初阶段的; 胚胎的
n⏹Write one's name on the back of (esp a cheque)
在(尤指⽀支票)的背⾯面签字; 背书.
n⏹Give one's (official) approval or support to (a claim, statement经济的英文
, etc) (正式)赞同或⽀支持(某要求﹑ ⾔言论等)
n⏹Say in an advertiment that one us and approves of (a product) 在⼲⼴广告上说本⼈人使⽤用并赞许(某产品)
n⏹Endorment n (a) [U] 三亚简介
act of endorsing
背书; 批注; (在执照上的)违章记录; 赞同; ⽀支持
n⏹System of moral principles; rules of conduct 道德标准; ⾏行为准则 n⏹Ethics n (a) [sing v] science that deals with morals 伦理学
n⏹Connected with (public) money.
○27Franchi ['frntaiz]
n.特许经销权, 选举权, 特权
n⏹[U] right to vote at public elections
(公众选举的)投票权, 选举权
n⏹Formal permission to ll a compa古人关于读书的名言名句
ny's goods
or rvices in a particular area
n./ a.⾃自由职业者(的) vi.从事⾃自由职业
n⏹Doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization:
n⏹Particular style or kind, esp of works of art or literature grouped according to their form or subject matter
种类; 类型; (尤指按形式或主题划分的⽂文艺作品的)⻛风格, 体裁