1、The optical transport hierarchy (OTH) supports the operation and management aspects of optical networks of various architectures, e.g., point-to-point, ring and mesh architectures.
This Recommendation defines the interfaces of the optical transport network to be ud within and
between subnetworks of the optical network, in terms of:
– optical transport hierarchy (OTH);
– functionality of the overhead in support of multi-wavelength optical networks;
– frame structures;
– bit rates;
– formats for mapping client signals.
2、optical transport module (OTM-n.m): The OTM is the information structure that is transported across an ONNI. The index n and m define the number of supported wavelengths and bit rates at the interface. Two OTM structures are defined:
The OTM with full functionality (OTM-n.m) is the information structure ud to support optical transmission ction (OTS) layer connections in the OTN. The characteristic information of the optical transmission ction layer (OTS_CI) consists of information payload (OTS_CI_PLD) and optical transmission ction overhead information fields (OTS_CI_OH). The optical transmission ction overhead (OTS_OH) information fields are contained within the OTM overhead signal (OOS) information structure. The OTM-n.
m consists of up to n multiplexed optical channels and an OTM overhead signal to support the non-associated overhead.
The OTM with reduced functionality (OTM-nr.m/OTM-0) is the information structure ud to support optical physical ction (OPS) layer connections in the OTN. The characteristic information of the optical physical ction layer (OPS_CI) consists of information payload (OPS_CI_PLD). OTM-0 consists of a single optical channel without a specific colour assigned. The OTM-nr.m consists of up to n multiplexed optical channels. Non-associated overhead is not supported
3、optical channel (OCh[r]): The OCh is the information structure ud to support the OCh
trail. Two OCh structures are defined.
The OCh client signals defined in this Recommendation are the OTUk signals. Other digital client
signals (e.g., STM-n, GbE) may be supported by the OTM.
Optical channel with full functionality (OCh): The OCh is an information structure consisting of the information payload (OCh_PLD) with a certain bandwidth and non-associated overhead (OCh_OH) for management of the optical channel.
Optical channel with reduced functionality (OChr): The OChr is an information structure consisting of the information payload (OCh_PLD) with a certain bandwidth. Non-associated overhead is not supported.
l channel transport unit (OTUk[V]): The OTUk is the information structure ud for transport of an ODUk over one or more optical channel connections. It consists of the optical channel data unit and OTUk related overhead (FEC and ov化学工程与工艺
erhead for management of an optical channel connection). It is characterized by its frame structure, bit rate, and bandwidth. Two versions of the OTUk are defined:
Completely standardized OTUk (OTUk): The completely standardized OTUk is ud on OTM IrDIs and may be ud on OTM IaDIs. Functionally standardized OTUk (OTUkV): The partly standardized OTUk is ud on OTM IaDIs.
完全标准化OTUk(OTUk):完全标准化OTUk可以用于OTM IrDIs和OTM IaDIs。
功能标准化OTUk(OTUkV):部分标准化OTUk用于OTM IaDIs。
5、optical channel payload unit (OPUk): The OPUk is the information structure ud to adapt client information for transport over an optical channel. It compris client information together with any overhead needed to perform rate adaptation between the client signal rate and the OPUk payload rate and other OPUk overhead supporting the client signal transport. This overhead is adaptation specific.