齿轮Toothed gear;Gear
齿轮副Gear pair
平行轴齿轮副Gear pair with parallel axes
相交轴齿轮副Gear pair with intercting axes 齿轮系Train of gears
行星齿轮系Planetary gear train
齿轮传动Gear drive;Gear transmission
配对齿轮Mating gears
主动齿轮Driving gear
从动齿轮Driven gear
行星齿轮Planet gear
行星架Planet carrier
太阳轮Sun gear
内齿圈Ring gear;Annulus gear
外齿轮External gear
内齿轮Internal gear
tre distance
轴交角Shaft angle
连心线Line of centres
减速齿轮副Speed reducing gear pair
增速齿轮副Speed increasing gear pair
齿数比Gear ratio
传动比Transmission ratio
轴平面Axial plane
基准平面Datum plane
节平面Pitch plane
端平面Transver plane
法平面Normal plane
分度曲面Reference surface
节曲面Pitch surface
齿顶曲面Tip surface
齿根曲面Root surface
基本齿廓Basic tooth profile
基本齿条Basic rack
产形齿条Counterpart rack
产形齿轮Generating gear of a gear
产形齿面Generating flank
基准线Datum line
轮齿Gear teeth;Tooth
齿槽Tooth space
右旋齿Right-hand teeth
左旋齿Left-hand teeth
变位齿轮Gears with addendum modification;
高度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with reference centre distance 角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with modified centre distance 高度变位锥齿轮副X-gear pair without shaft angle modification 角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with shaft angle modification 变位系数Modification coefficient
变位量Addendum modification
径向变位系数Addendum modification coefficient
中心距变位系数Centre distance modification coefficient
圆柱齿轮Cylindrical gear
顶圆Tip circle
根圆Root circle
齿距角Angular pitch
公法线长度Ba tangent length
分度圆直径Reference diameter
节圆直径Pitch diameter
基圆直径Ba diameter
顶圆直径Tip diameter
根圆直径Root diameter
齿根圆角半径Fillet radius
齿高Tooth depth
工作高度Working depth
弦齿高Chordal height
固定弦齿高Constant chord height
有效齿宽Effective facewidth
端面齿厚Transver tooth thickness
法向齿厚Normal tooth thickness
端面基圆齿厚Transver ba thickness
法向基圆齿厚Normal ba thickness
端面弦齿厚Transver chordal tooth thickness
固定弦齿厚Constant chord
端面齿顶厚Crest width
法向齿顶厚Normal crest width
端面齿槽宽Transver spacewidth
法向齿槽宽Normal spacewidth
齿厚半角Tooth thickness half angle
槽宽半角Spacewidth half angle
压力角Pressure angle
齿形角Nominal pressure angle
圆弧圆柱蜗杆Arc-contact worm;hollow flank worm;ZC-worm
直廓环面蜗杆Enveloping worm with straight line grneratrix;TA worm
平面蜗杆Planar worm wheel;P-worm wheel
平面包络环面蜗杆Planar double enveloping worm;TP-worm
平面二次包络蜗杆Planar double-enveloping worm wheel;TP-worm wheel
锥面包络环面蜗杆Toroid enveloping worm wheel;TK-worm wheel
渐开线包络环面蜗杆Toroid enveloping worm hich involute holicoid generatrix;TI-worm 锥蜗杆Spiroid
锥蜗轮Spiroid gear
锥蜗杆副Spiroid gear pair
长幅内摆线Prolate hypocycloid
短幅内摆线Curtate hypocycloid
Involute to a circle
延伸渐开线Prolate involute
缩短渐开线Curtate involute
球面渐开线Spherical involute
渐开螺旋面Involute helicoid
阿基米德螺旋面Screw helicoid
球面渐开螺旋面Spherical involute helicoid
圆环面的母圈Generant of the toroit
圆环面的中性圈Middle circle of the toroid
圆环面的中间平面Middle-plane of the toroid
圆环面的内圈Inner circle of the toroid
啮合干涉Meshing interference
切齿干涉Cutter interference
齿廓修型Profile modification;
Profile correction
修缘Tip relief
修根Root relief
齿向修形Axial modification;
Longitudinal correction
齿端修薄End relief
鼓形齿Crowned teeth
瞬时轴Instantaneous axis
瞬时接触点Point of contact
瞬时接触线Line of contact
端面啮合线Transver path of contact
啮合曲面Surface of action
啮合平面Plane of action
啮合区域Zone of action
总作用弧Total arc of transmission
端面作用弧Transver arc of transmission 纵向作用弧Overlap arc
总作用角Total angle of transmission
端面作用角Transver angle of transmission 纵向作用角Overlap angle