请你用em to do sth仿写句子
1.He cannot em to do any of the thi岗位调动
ngs. 他似乎做不了任何一件其中的事。
2.She emed to cry when she knew that she failed the exam .当她知道考试失败时,她似乎要哭了。
3.The old man ems to be asleep. 那老人看起来像是睡着了
4.I can't em to get the st地狱不空
ory straight.
5.So, to conf肚子疼什么原因
ine the individual, it ems, to one and only one sphere of life would em to do an injustice to the internal psychological complexity that makes each of us who we are.
6.So there are examples in American History of elections that em to in which the Median Voter Theorem ems to do well.
7.Well, things that em obvious are not obvious and it has something to do with-- something like framing.