Mechanical properties (力学性质, 机械性质) Mechanical properties (力学日精进今日感悟
性质, 机械性质) Mild steel (低碳钢) and gray cast iron (灰铸铁) Mild steel (低碳钢) and gray cast iron (灰铸铁) Tension and compression test (拉伸压缩试验) Tension and compression test (拉伸压缩试验) Safety factor (安全因数) Safety f幼稚的近义词
actor (安全因数) Allowable stress (许用应力) Allowable stress (许用应力) Stress concentrations (应力集中) Stress concentrations (应力集中)
Part one: Basic Deformations
Chapter 3. Torsion
Containing Sections: Containing Sections:
3.1 Introduction 3.1 Introduction 3.2 External Torque, Internal Torque and Internal Torque Diagram 3.2 External Torque, Internal T葡萄酒做法
orque and Internal Torque Diagram 3.3 Torsional Stress and Strength Condition of Circular Shafts 3.3 Torsional 春联照片
Stress and Strength Condition of Circular Shafts 3.4 Torsional Deformation and Sti除夕古诗
ffness Condition of Circular Shafts 3.4 Torsional Deformation and Stiffness Cond春兴唐武元衡
ition of Circular Shafts
3.5 Torsional Failure Analysis of Circular Shafts 3.5 Torsional Failure Analysis of Circular Shafts 3.6 Torsion of Noncircular Shafts and Thin-wall Shafts 3.6 Torsion of Noncircular Shafts and Thin-wall Shafts 3.7* Advisable De目录设计
sign of Torque-loaded Members 3.7* Advisable Design of Torque-loaded Members 3.8* Statically Indeterminate Torque-loaded Members 3.8* Statically Indeterminate Torque-loaded五行对照表
hapter 3. Torsion
3.1 Introduction
Screwdriver bar (螺丝刀刀杆)
Chapter 3. Torsion
3.1 Introduction
Drill rod (钻杆)
Chapter 3. Torsion
3.1 Introduction
Connecting rod of steering wheel (方向盘连杆)
Chapter 3. Torsion
3.1 Introduction Drive shaft (传动轴)