
更新时间:2023-05-04 21:21:51 阅读: 评论:0

植物门类 Plant Category
低等植物 Lower Plant
藻类植物 algae
1.蓝藻门 cyanophyta
2.裸藻门 euglenophyta
3.金藻门 chrysophyta
4.甲藻门 pyrrophyta
5.黄藻门 xanthophyta/ chromophyta
6.硅藻门 bacillariophyta
7.绿藻门 chlorophyta
8.褐藻门 phaeophyta
9.轮藻门 charophyta
10.红藻门 rhodophyta
菌类植物 Fungi
11.细菌门 bacteriophyta
12.黏菌门 gymnomycota
13.真菌门 eumycota
高等植物 Higher Plant
14.苔藓植物门 bryophyta
15.蕨类植物门 pteridophyta
16.种子植物门 spemaiophyta
常见植物及术语 Common Plants and Terminology
花卉 Flowers
17.艾 Chine mugwort
18.艾菊 tansy
19.矮牵牛 garden Petunia
20.八角金盘 Japan fatsia
21.八仙花 hydrangea
22.巴丹杏 Tibet plum
23.芭蕉 banana
24.霸王鞭 crab cactus
25.白鹤藤 bluntleaf asiaglory
26.白鹤芋 peace-lily
27.白花杜鹃 snow azalea
28.白兰花 white michelia/ bailan/ salisb
29.白蓝菊 cape marigold
30.白头翁 Chine pulsatilla/ anemone
31.白玉兰 champacany puti/ white jade orchid
32.百合花 lily
33.桉树百合 eucalyptus lily
34.白百合 white lily
35.编笠百合 bamboo-hat lily
36.橙色百合 orange li素食谱 ly
37.粉红百合 pink lily
38.红白合 tiger lily
39.狐尾百合 fox-tail lily
40.虎百合 tiger lily
41.黄百合 yellow lily
42.姬百合 belle lily
43.葵百合 sunflower lily
44.鹿子百合 deer lily
45.山百合 mountain lily
46.圣诞百合 Xmas lily
47.水百合 water lily
48.水芋百合 calla lily
49.香水百合 perfume lily
50.野百合 lily of the valley
51.玉米百合 maize lily
52.百里香 thyme
53.百日草 youth-and-old-age
54.柏 cypress
55.半枝莲 sun plant
56.苞叶芋 snow flower
57.宝巾花 paper flower
58.报春花 Chine primro
59.贝壳花 molucca balm
60.碧蝉花 common dayflower
61.碧桃 peach
62.变叶木 variegated leaf croton
63.槟榔 betel palm
64.波士顿蕨 boston fern
65.薄荷 mint
66.大波斯菊 cosmos
67.补血草 a lavender/ statice
68.彩叶草 common garden coleus
69.藏红花 saffron
70.草莓花 strawberry blossoms
71.茶 tea
72.茶花 camellia
73.金茶花 golden camellia
74.茶梅 sasanqua camellia
75.柴胡 Chine thorowax
76.紫藤 wisteria
77.长春花 Madagascar periwinkle
78.长寿花 winter pot kalanchoe
79.常春藤 ivy
80.车前草 Asiatic plantain
81. daisy/ marguerite
82.春兰 goering cymbidium
83.莼菜 water shield
84.刺桐 India corabean
85.葱 shallot
86.葱兰 zephyr lily
87.醋栗 gooberry
88.垂盆草 stringy stonecrop
89.大波斯菊 cosmos
90.美人蕉 common garden canna
91.大丽花 dahlia
92.大岩桐 gloxinia
93.大竺葵 gernaium
94.代代花 Seville orange flower
95.倒挂金钟 fuchsia
96.灯笼花 Chine enkianthus
97.邓伯花 Blue trumpet vine
98.滴滴金 British inula
99.地涌金莲 hairy fruit mesilla
100.吊灯花 fringed hibiscus
101.吊兰 spider ivy
102.吊钟花 bellflower
103.吊竹梅 inch plant
104.蝶兰 phalaenopsis
105.丁香 clove/ lilac
106.白色丁香 white clover/ white lilac
107.北京丁香 Peking lilac
108.红色丁香 red lilac
109.什锦丁香 Chine lilac
110.四叶丁香 four-leaved clover
111.洋丁香 common lilac
112.野丁香 Chine leptodermis
113.夜丁香 nightblooming cestrum
114.紫丁香 early lilac/ purple lilac
115.冬青 holly
116.兜兰 lady slipper
117.豆瓣绿 peperomia
118.豆蔻 sweet pea/ round cardamon
119.杜鹃花 azalea/ rhododendron
120.白花杜鹃 snow azalea
121.杂种杜鹃 hybrid azalea
122.短穗鱼尾葵 tufted fishtail palm
123.鹅掌藤 Umbrella tree
124.番红花 crocus
125.飞燕草 larkspur
126.粉红飞燕草 pink larkspur
127.紫色飞燕草 purple larkspur
128.风信子 hyacinth
129.白色风信子 white hyacinth
130.野风信子 bluebell
131.枫 Chine sweet gum/ Maple
132.枫实 sweetgum fruit
133.凤尾蕨 table fern
134.凤仙花 touch-me-not/ balsam
135.白色凤仙花 w煎堆的做法 hite balsam
136.非洲凤仙花 Zanzibar balsam
137.红色凤仙花 red balsam
138.黄色凤仙花 yellow balsam
139.凤眼兰 water hyacinth
140.佛手 Buddha's hand/ fingered citron
141.浮萍 duck weed
142.扶郎花/ 非洲菊 African daisy
143.扶桑 Chine hibiscus/ ro of China
144.芙蓉 hibiscus mutabilis
145.福禄考 annual phlax
146.福禄桐 wild coffee
147.富贵木 Fern-leaf Aralia
148.橄榄 olive
149.孤挺花 amaryllis
150.瓜叶菊 florists cineraria
151.广玉兰 magnolia
152.龟背竹 monstera ceriman
153.桂花 sweet osmanthus
154.海棠花 Chineflowering crab-apple
155.含笑花 banana shrub
156.含羞草 mimosa
157.合欢 silk tree
158.荷花 lotus flower/ blue lotus/ Indian lotus
159.令箭荷花 red orchid cactus
160.红豆 coralhead plant/ love pea/ ormosia
161.红蝴蝶 dwarf poinciana
162.红皱藤 alice du pont
163.蝴蝶兰 fringed iris
164.虎尾兰 snake plant
165.虎狼草 yellow jasmine
166.花贝母 crown imperial
167.花药 anther
168.花叶竹芋 bicolor arrowroot
169.黄杨 box
170.黄钟花 roble
171.槐花 pagodatree blossom
172.火鹤花 flaming lily
173.鸡蛋花 pagoda tree
174.鸡冠花 common cockscomb
175.夹竹桃 oleander
176.嘉兰 lovely gloriosa
177.剪秋萝 nno campion
178.剑兰 g元宵灯节 ladiolus
179.姜花 garland flower/ white ginger lily
180.结香 paper bush
181.金凤花 buttercup/ kingcup
182.金莲花 nasturtium
183.金钱花 daisy
184.野生金钱花 wild daisy
185.栽培金钱花 garden daisy
186.金银花 honey suckle
187.金鱼草 snapdragon
188.金盏花 marigold
189.金针花 day lily
190.锦葵 high mallow
191.桔梗 ballonflower
192.九重葛 bougain villea
193.九里香 China box jasmin orange
194.韭莲 rain flower
195.酒瓶兰 elephant-foot tree
196.菊花 chrysanthemum
197.白菊花 feverfew
198.波斯菊 common cosmos
199. English daisy
200.甘菊 golden camomile
201.翠菊 callistephus/ China-aster
202.大金鸡菊 lance coreopsis
203.大丽菊 dahlia
204.非洲菊 African daisy
205.凤尾菊 bracken
206.红菊 red daisy
207.黄金菊 camomile
208.墨菊 Swiss chrysanthemum
209.绒球菊花 pompom
210.虎皮菊 roring gaillardia
211.野菊 parthenium
212.菊苣 succory
213.橘 orange
214.卡特兰 cattleya
215.凯莉萨樱桃 natal plum
216.康乃馨 carnation
217.黄/红/深红/条纹康乃馨 yellow/red/ deep red/ striped carnation
218.喇叭花 petunia
219.腊梅 wintersweet
220.君子兰 kaffir lily/ scarlet kafir lily
221.龙舌兰 cnetury plant/ American agave
222.马兰 Chine small iris/ India boltonia
223.马蹄兰 lily of the nile
224.报岁兰 Chine cymbidium
225.文殊兰 Chine grand crinum

本文发布于:2023-05-04 21:21:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:百合   植物   风信子   花叶   金钱   菊花   白色   竹芋
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