Part I Multiple Choice (20 points)
Complete the ntences by choosing from the words below each ntence.
1. Technical skills performing specialized tasks within the organization.
a. are associated with
b. differ from
c. are similar to
2. Corporate culture is the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms .
a. which creates a company
b. that characterize a company
c. who company has got
3. If a company is to get the most out of its workers, it must tho workers.
a. develop
b. lect
c. promote
4. In theory, a company’s auditors are appointed independently by its shareholders, to whom they report. “Whom” reprents .
a. auditors
b. accountants
c. shareholders
5. Over-capacity in the car business leads to a ries of joint agreements and mergers between .
a. car companies
b. joints ventures
c. capacity level
6. Ford intended to V olvos and hoped to u V olvo’s technology to develop new cars.
a. share
b. focus
c. 白领职业
7. The principles in the Organizational Chaos Model can also be ud to the company’s competition.
a. introduce
b. overcome
c. understand
8. As a nior student, you are suppod to know better than just until the examination time.
a. fooled around
b. to fool around
c. having fooled around
9. Transnational companies will in China.
a. continue locating
b. continues to locate
c. continue to locate
10. E-business is about transforming business process and _______ them with Internet technologies.
a. integrates
b. integrating
c. to integrate
11. Other companies u Web technology to ______ business electronically at the wholesale or retail level.
a. support
b. exchange
c. transact
12. The funds needed to operate an enterpri are refereed to as .
a. labour
b. capital
c. resources
13. They also want to integrate the systems _______ the rest of their business process.
a. with
b. and
c. for
14. Accounting firms frequently _________ their audit clients.
a. buy management skills from
b. ll consulting rvices to
c. provide audit assignment for
15. I went to buy a new tie to _______ this brown suit.
a. go into
b. go with
c. go after
16. The cretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _________ every word the manager said.
a. made for
b. took up
c. took down
17. The financing of international trade is more complex than that of domestic trade. ‘That’ here means .
a. financing
b. international trade
c. domestic trade
18. The process of education, experience, more education, and then is called a cyclical process.
a. less education
b. more experience
c. education and experience
19.Hardly _______ the airport when he started for his destination.
a. I had reached
b. had I reached
c. I reached
20. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.
a. approach
b. route
c. entrance
Part II Match (20 points)
Section A
Choo the correct word or words from the box to complete the passage:
the Industrial Revolution customers’ needs
the marketing concept production and lling
the lling of goods business focus
Business people focud on the production of goods from 21 until the early twentieth century, and on 22 from the 1920s to the 1950s. Marketing received little attention up to that point. After 1950, however, business people recognized that their enterpris involved not only 23 but also the satisfaction of 24 . They began to implement 25 , a business philosophy that involves the entire business organization in the dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization’s goals.
Section B
Choo the correct word or words from the box to complete the following ntences: marketing concept benefits
moderation discount
labour force
26. China is now at the stage of development of building a well-off society and accelerating socialist .
27. Impl炒馒头怎么做好吃
ementation of the begins and ends with the information about customers.
28. Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a .
29. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires .
30. Compensation programmes include wages and salaries, incentives, and ______ for workers.
Part III Reading comprehension (40 points)
Passage 1
What makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1? You could say there is no reason. It’s true that a special kind of paper is ud to make dollar bills, and they are pretty, but that’s not what makes them valuable. The real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes it is.