Note of Pathophysiology
Chapter1 Introduction for Pathophysiology(P7)
1.Health: State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the ab-
nce of dia and infirmity.
2.Dia: Dia is referred as aberrant manifestation of deregulated homeostasis caud by
harmful agents.
3.Brain Death:The criteria of brain death relead from WHO are as follows:
i.Cessation of spontaneous respiration;
ii.Irreversible coma;
iii.Abnce of cephalic reflexes and dilated pupils;
iv.Abnce of any electrical activity of the brain;
v.Abnce of brain blood flow.
Chapter2 Cellular disfunction in Dia(P20)
ell proliferation):是指细胞分裂和再生的过程,细胞通过分裂进行增殖,使
2.细胞分化(cell differentiation): 是指在细胞增殖时,子代细胞在形态、结构和生理功能上
3.细胞周期(cell cy梦见自己出嫁
cle): 或称细胞增殖周期是指增殖细胞从一次分裂结束到下一次分裂结
4.细胞凋亡(apoptosis): 由体内外因素触发的细胞内预存的死亡程序,而导致的细胞死亡
5.细胞自噬(autophagy or autophagocytosis): 是指细胞利用溶酶体降解自身成分的过程,
⑵神经细胞退行性疾病:①阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s dia),②帕金森病、肌萎缩性侧索硬化症脊肌肉萎缩、小脑退行性病、遗传性视网膜退行性变。
⑶病毒感染:艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS)--CD4+细胞过度凋亡. 细胞增殖与分化异常与疾病:
Chapter3 D高级秘书
ysfunction of cellular signal transduction in dia(P51) 1.细胞信号转导系统(Cell signaling transduction system):signal molecules; th初心使命是什么
e coupling re-ceptors /enzyme or an ion channel; intracellular signal transduction pathway.
2.细胞信号转导(Cellular signal transduction):It is the process of intercellular or intracellular transfer of information through signal transduction pathway.
3.受体病(receptor dia):The receptor can’t mediate the effect of ligand on target cells due to its c
hanging in number, structure and regulation function and leads to dia, this dia is called receptor dia
A 促甲状腺激素分泌减少
B 促甲状腺激素受体下调或减敏
C Gs含量减少
D 刺激性抗体模拟促甲状腺激素(TSH)的作用
E TSH受体阻断性抗体的作用
A 促进Gs与受体结合
B 刺激Gs生成
C 使Gs的GTP酶活性增高
D 使Gs的GTP酶活性抑制或丧失
E 抑制Gi与受体结合
A 下垂体合成和分泌ADH减少
B 肾小管上皮细胞上的水通道蛋白异常激活
C ADH受体介导的信号转导障碍
D 基因突变使腺苷酸环化酶减少
E 肾小管上皮细胞上的水通道增多
A 乙酰胆碱受体合成数量减少
B 乙酰胆碱受体功能障碍
C 产生了抗N型乙酰胆碱受体的抗体
D 骨骼肌损伤
E 运动终板所释放的乙酰胆碱减少
A 自身免疫性受体病
C 继发性受体异常病
D G蛋白异常病
E 转录因子异常性疾病 6.重症肌无力属于
A 自身免疫性受体病
B 遗传性受体病
C 继发性受体异常病
D G蛋白异常病
E 转录因子异常性疾病
A LDL受体基因突变
B LDL存在自身抗体
C 高胆固醇饮食
A 机体霍乱毒素受体合成过多
B 霍乱毒素具有氯离子通道激活剂作用
C G蛋白合成的增多
D G蛋白的持续激活
E 腺苷酸环化酶合成增多
A 配体与G蛋白结合
B GTP与G蛋白的结合
C G蛋白的GTP水解
D G蛋白去磷酸化
E G蛋白与效应器解离
10. 家族性高胆固醇血症的患者LDL受体异常最常见于:
A LDL受体合成障碍
B LDL受体转运障碍
C LDL受体的亲和力下降
D LDL受体内吞缺陷
E LDL受体循环利用异常
Key: 1D 2D 3C 4C 5B 6A 7A 8D 9B 10A
Chapter8 stress(P170)
1.应激反应Stress(or Stress respon): “nonspecific respon of the body to any
demand made upon it”. Stress is a state of threatened homeostasis. The stress respon results in the activation of a complex repertoire of physiological and behavioral adaptive respons, which are relatively non-specific for any stressor that exceeds a threshold.
2.应激原Stressor: Any stimuli, or demands, on body that exceeds a threshold and
cau stress respon.
3.应激的神经内分泌机制(Neuroendocrine Respons of stress)
i.sympathetic-adrenal medulla system
ii.hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex system, HPA
iv.Glucocorticoid &Insulin , ADH, etc
4.应激性溃疡(stress ulcer): 指在严重创伤、感染、休克、脑血管意外等应激状态下出
Stress ulcer is also termed stress gastritis, characterized by superficial and multiple erosions that occur in gas租凭合同
tric mucosa, primarily in the fundus of the stomach. The stress ulcer generally develops within 72 hours after a great insult such as vere burning, trauma, hemorrhage, respiratory failure,
or psis.
5. 导致应激性溃疡的发生机制(Plea describe the mechanism of stress ulcer)大题
⑴Ischemia: Ischemia is thought to be the basic pathogenic mechanism of stress
ulcer.I)Ischemia adverly affect gastric energy metabolism, which is a very important factor in mucosal lf-defen against injury.II)Ischemia reduces the capacity of the gastric mucosa to dispo and neutralize acid that enters the tissue.
⑵Counter-diffusion of gastric hydrogen ion to mucosa.
Ischemia and back-diffusion of acid are the two esntial pathogenic mechanisms for stress ulcer, but other intermingled factors may also have important impact on its development. Such as the status of systemic acid-ba balance, regener现役上将名单
ation of gastric独奏吉他谱
mucosal, level of glucocorticoids, et al.
Chapter 12 Ischemia-reperfusion injury(P248) 1.缺血再灌注损个人理财产品
i.increa free radicals, ii.calcium overload, utrophils activation,
iv.dysfunction of microcirculation
2.自由基(free radical):外层电子轨道上含有单个不配对电子的原子、原子团和分子的总
Free radical are a highly reactive group of atoms, molecules or radicals, which carry unpaired electron in oute学化妆教程
r orbital.
3.自由基分类(classification of free radical):氧自由基、脂性自由基、氮自由基。
1)Oxygen free radical,2)Lipid radicals,3)Reactive nitrogen species.
i.黄嘌呤氧化途径(increa xanthine oxida (XO) in VEC)
5.活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)单线态氧(02)及过氧化氢(H2O2)虽不是自由基,但氧化作用很强,与氧自由基共同称为活性氧。
ROS are compod by oxygen-derived free radicals (OFR) and non-free radical substances, such as superoxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical (OH), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and singlet oxygen (1O2).
6.无复流现象(no-reflow phenomenon)解除缺血原因并没使缺血区得到充分血流灌注的反常现象。
The ischemia region could not be reperfud sufficiently after relieving the occlusion to recover the blood flow.
Basic vasculartonicity is a continual balance between the influences of vasoconstrictors and vasodilatators. Endothelium and the smooth musculature play
a vital part in its control. The conrvation of a qualified vasomotricity
improves postischaemic recovery of an organ.
7.黄嘌呤氧化途径(increa xanthine oxi悲伤逆流成河电视剧
da (XO) in VEC)
Chapter 6 Disorders of water and electrolyte balance(P119) 1. 水钠正常生理
(1)Total body fluid accounts for 60% of body mass in males.intracellular(40%) extra-(15+5%)
(3)渗透压、渗量(1mol IN 1L注意阴阳分开算)、正常体液渗透压280-310 mOsm/L
(6)调节机制:1)渴觉[Plasma osmolality↑/Blood volume↓]
2)ADH[Plasma osmolality↑/Blood volume↓/BP↓/Angiotensin II/stress etc.]
3)RAS[Arterial pressure↓/Plasma sodium content↓/Sympathetic nerve↑]
4)ANP[blood volume↑]->利尿排钠舒血管
①Loss of body weight②Sunken eyes③Depresd fontanel in an infant④Loss of resiliency
of skin⑤Decread vein filling (collap) ⑥Hypotension ⑦Elevated body temperature
(1)Hypotonic dehydration(Hypovolemic hyponatremia)
(2)Hypertonic dehydration(hypovolemic hypernatremia)
(3)Isotonic dehydration
(4)Hypotonic fluid volume excess(water intoxication)
(5)Hypertonic fluid volume excess
(6)Isotonic fluid volume(Edema)
依据1)Plasma osmolality<>280-310mmol/L 2)Plasma c(Na+) <>130mmol/L 3)体液量
(1)Hypotonic dehydration(Hypovolemic hyponatremia)
1)Feature: ①Plasma osmolality<280mmol/L②Plasma Na+ concentration <130mmol/L
③H2O loss < Na+ loss
2)Caus: Excessive sodium loss and replacement with sodium-free water
①Exerci- or heat-induced sweating; ②Burns; ③Gastrointestinal loss
(vomiting, diarrhea); ④Renal loss (diuretic therapy, adrenal Insufficiency)
①Shock: No thirst nsation/ Decread ADH relea/ Movement of ECF into cells
②Muscle cramps, weakness, fatigue:hypoosmolality of skeletal muscle cells
③Decread urine volume④Urine sodium concentration⑤Anorexia, naua,
vomiting, diarrhea
①Treatment of the underlying caus ②Administration of saline solution orally
or intravenously