美国人的幽默观 -Humor for USA

更新时间:2023-05-04 12:04:35 阅读: 评论:0

Humor (Part 1 of 7)Humor 美式幽默
Is humor a universal experience? Well, it's true that people all over the world enjoy a good laugh. But every culture's funny bone i专业人才培养方案 s tickled a different way. Humor is bad on shared experiences and background knowledge. As a result, non-Americans have a hard time eing why American jokes are funny, even if they know what thegrowing words mean. But if you know what to look for, you can learn to appreciate American humor.
幽默是不是一种全世界共通的经验呢?嗯,全世界的人都喜欢开怀大笑倒是真的。不过,令不同文化背景的人感到好笑之处都不相同,幽默是建立在共同的经验与知识背景上,因此,即使能明白字面上的意思,但若不是美国人就很难了解美式笑话的好笑之处。不过你若能掌握诀窍,就可以学会欣赏美式幽默。tickle (v) 搔痒; 觉得酥痒
funny bone (n phr) 肘上方耻骨之端(碰到时会发麻)
Humor (Part 2 of 7)美式幽默
The 7个月宝宝 pun, or the play on words, is a basic part of American humor. Puns are bad on words that have a double meaning or words that sound alike. For example, one man saw an expensive car wrapped ar
ound a tree after an accident. He said, "That's the way the Mercedes Benz!" The obvious pun is that Benz sounds like bends. Some people consider the pun a low form of humor, but many Americans still enjoy "pun"-ishing each other.
pun (n) 双关语
wrap around (v phr) 缠裹
Humor (Part 3 of 7)美式幽默
Other types of American humor are bad on language, too. Knock-knock jokes, popular with children, follow a standard format:
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Dozen who?
Dozen (Doesn't) anybody
want to let me in?
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Dozen who?
Dozen (Doesn't) anybody
want to let me in?
Humor (Part 4 of 7)美式幽默
Riddle s have been around for thousands of years. Americans also enjoy this kind of question-and-answer humor:
* What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? A blackboard.
* What asks no questions but gets many answers? A doorbell.
* What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T (tea)? A teapot.
* 什么东西干净时是黑的,但弄脏时是白的?黑板。
* 什么东西不发问,但却得到许多回答?门铃。
* 什么东西以T开头,以T结尾,而且里面都是T(茶)?茶壸。
Humor (Part 5 of 7)美式幽默
People in America like making each other laugh. Even if they are not professional comedians, most people think they have a good n of humor. A favorite American style of joking around is "pulling somebody's leg." That means telling someone a story, which is untrue--maybe, even a "tall tale"--while keeping a straight face. At other times, Americans u funny voices or sound effects to spice up a story. Their body language and facial expressions add to the humor.
美国人喜欢引人发笑,即使不是什么专业的喜剧演员,大部分的人都觉得自己很幽默。美国人最喜欢的一种玩笑方式是「开别人玩笑,使其信以为真铎是多音字吗 」,就是板着脸孔正经八百地陈述一件并非真实的故事——或许甚至是个夸张的故事。此外,美国人会以滑喝茶的图片 稽的声音或音效为一个故事增加笑料,他们的肢体语言和面部表情可以使其更好笑。
comedian (n) 喜剧演员
pull somebody's leg (v phr) 开某人玩笑使其信以为真
straight face (n phr) 没有表情的脸孔; 严肃的脸
Humor (Part 6 of 7)美式幽默
Sometimes, though, people in America make jokes about others.
Mothers-in-law, politicians, teachers and ethnic groups are the target of many jokes. Here's one: An abnt-minded college professor left a note on his office door that said, "I'II be back in one hour." When he returned, he read the note and sat down to wait for himlf. Get it? Making fun of others like this might reflect just a playful attitude. But it can also reflect jealousy, anger or rentment. While the jokes are just for fun, they ma北国的春天 y not be funny to everyone--especially the target.
target (n) (被开玩笑的) 目标
rentment (n) 愤恨
abnt-minded (adj) 心不在焉的
Humor (Part 7 of 7)美式幽默
America is a funny place. lf you need a laugh, it's not far away. Just pick up a newspaper and scan the "funny pages" for your favorite 莲雾的正确吃法 comic strip. Or turn on the 天安门简笔画 TV and watch a comedy show. Mail a smile to a friend by nding a humorous greeting card. And watch for amusing situations around you in real life. Telling stories about funny exp战争歌曲 eriences is a great way to brighten up someone's day. Hey, did you hear about the time I . . .
美国是个很有趣的地方,你如果需要一笑,绝对不成问题。只要拿起报纸,浏览一下游戏版上你最喜欢的连环漫画,或者打开电视看一出喜剧。寄一张有趣的祝贺卡给朋友,带给他一个微笑。观察周遭生活中一些有趣的情况,把一些有趣的经验告诉别人,这也是个让人日子过得更开心的好方法。嘿,你党支部工作总结 有没有听说,有一次我……。
comic strip (n phr)连环图画

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