语法阶段测试卷 答案
一、 选择
I believe/ in my opinion
2. actually
3. In my opinion/ I believe; definitely
4. Frankly
二、 填空
1. arranged; walked; had always been; had heard; was; excited; arrived西游记读后感50字
; had felt; had come; say; had walked
2. don’t have; will not/ won’t know; don’t find; will find; will 赞美女人的诗句
save; do
三、 改写
1. My father lives in a small hou full of ornaments, which makes it really difficult to clean.
2. Some students take a year out before university, which allows them to work or travel.
3. My English teacher who lectures are very interesting is leaving.
4. The lecture which was about current economic po很拽
licy was not very easy to understand.
5. In 1951 my parents arrived in New York where they stayed for the re去痣的最好方法
st of their lives.
6. I gave my assignment to the faculty cretary who was not very friendly.
四、 翻译
1. 关于语言为什么会产生不同看法,这是有着可以理解的原因的。
2. 相对于语言使用间的细小差别,人们对语言教学的感触更深。
3. 早期的宇航员怀疑金星上的空气有毒。
4. 美国和澳大利亚在共同开发的项目双簧串词
5. 如果接收到来自外太空的信息,及时回应是十分重要的。
五、 写作(略)