
更新时间:2023-05-04 09:18:32 阅读: 评论:0

Unit 2
1. corp n. a dead body of a human being尸体
2. thread v. to pass through by twisting, turning or weaving in and out穿
过,通过:The child threaded the beads.这孩子用线把珠子串起来。
3. pomegranate[n. shrub or small tree native to
southwestern Asia having large red many-eded fruit石榴,石榴树4. chant n. a short, simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables
or words is sung to each tune(礼拜式唱的)单调的歌
5. bier n. a stand to support a corp or a coffin prior to burial棺材架,尸体
6. hack vt. to break up the surface of (soil)开辟,开垦
7. oblong adj. deviating from a square, circular, or spherical form by
being elongated in one direction长方形的
8. lumpy adj. full of lumps; covered with lumps多块状物的,凹凸不平
的:He could feel the thin, lumpy mattress. 他能感觉到那张薄薄的、凹凸不平
9. hummocky adj. full of or looking like low, rounded hills圆丘般的,多圆丘的
10. derelict adj. derted by an owner or keeper; abandoned
被遗弃的,无主的:a derelict ship被弃的船
11. lot n. a piece of land ud for a given purpo一块地:a parking lot停车场
12. undifferentiated adj. without clear
qualities or distinctive characteristics无差别的,没有显著特点的13. mound n. a pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris heaped for
protection or concealment土堆,坟:The explorers climbed a mound to
survey the land around them.勘探者爬上土丘去勘测周围的土地。
14. prickly pear n. any of a genus of cactus plants having
cylindrical or large, flat, oval stem joints and edible fruits仙人掌15. bumpy adj. covered with or full of bumps; rough崎岖不平的,颠
簸的:a bumpy country road崎岖不平的山路
16. gazelle n. small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having
lustrous eyes瞪羚
17. hindquarter n. the posterior part of a
quadruped, adjacent to the hind legs后腿
18. nibble vt. to eat道教首创之地 with small, quick bites or in small morls小口吃,
小口啃咬:nibble a cracker小口kitty壁纸 吃硬饼干
19. butt v. to hit or push against with the head or horns; ram以头抵撞,碰
撞:Two goats butted each other.两只山羊用角顶架。
20. mid-air n. a point or region in the air空中,半空
21. navvy n. an unskilled laborer, as on canals, roads, etc.劳工,无特殊技
22. sidle vi. to advance in an unobtrusive, furtive, or coy way侧身而
行:He sidled through the narrow doorway.他侧身穿过狭窄的门道。
23. stow vt. to希腊神话和传说 place or arrange, especially in a neat, compact way装进,
装载:stow the hold with cargo把货物装进舱里
24. municipality n. a political unit, such as a city
or town, incorporated for local lf-government自治市(镇)
25. ghetto n. a ction or quarter in a European city to which Jews
were formerly restricted犹太人区
26. urine n. the waste product creted by the kidneys that in
mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from
the body through the urethra尿,小便
27.skull-cap n. a light, clo-fitting, brimless cap sometimes
worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽
28. infest vt. to inhabit or overrun in numbers large enough to be
harmful, threatening, or obnoxious(害虫等)大批出没,侵扰:This area is
infested with rats.这个地区鼠害成灾。
29. booth n. a small stall or stand for the display and sale of goods货摊,
摊棚,摊位:There’re many booths at the exhibition.展览会上有许多摊位。
30. carpenter n. a skilled worker who makes, finishes, and
repairs wooden objects and structures木匠,木工:Like carpenters, like
31. prehistoric [ adj. belonging to or existing in times
before recorded history史前的:They have found prehistoric remains.
32. warp vt. to become bent or twisted out of shape变得扭曲,变形:The
wooden frame warped in the humidity.木架结构因受潮而弯曲。
33. frenzied n. affected with or marked by frenzy; frantic狂乱的,
痴狂的:frenzied rage狂怒
34. clamour v. a)to make a loud, sustained noi or outcry喧闹,叫
嚣;b)to make insistent demands or complaints坚持要求,抱怨:They
clamored for tax reforms.他们坚持要求税收改革。
35. grope vi. to arch blindly or uncertainly探索,摸索:He groped for
the door handle in the dark.他在黑暗中摸索着找门把手。
36. lf-contained adj. not dependent on others;
lf-sufficient自给自足的:a lf-contained ttlement in the Arctic
37. witchcraft n. magic; sorcery魔法,巫术
38. square adj. satisfying, solid, substantial(口语)令人满意的,充实的
39. conspicuous adj. attracting attention, as by being
unusual or remarkable; noticeable惹人注意的:He hangs a picture in a
conspicuous place.他把画挂在一个显眼的地方。
40. hoe v. to work with a hoe用锄劳作,锄地:I’d like to hoe in the field.

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